New powerful alliance race

Sethrak make zero sense as Alliance anyway. They’d go Horde in a heartbeat.


The best option for that would be the ogres. But there is a whole lot of exceedingly bad blood and politics on all sides to make that something of a non-starter unless something extreme happens within the ogre culture.

OP just made Dracthyr…

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would they be alliance or horde

I’ll take Furbolgs.

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A race that could have like… A dragon form, but also a human or elf form would be cool.

Maybe it could have a special class linked to it, so they can kind of be a special thing.

They should totally add that.

I want a Gnome, who was bitten by an Orc, who was bitten by a Night Elf, who was bitten by… several moments later who was bitten by a Worgen-Dragon half-breed, who was bitten by… several more moments later who was bitten by a First One.

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OP is Felleynd trolling you again lol.


Alliance would remember the fact that the Ogres (also natives of Draenor btw) that the Ogres were part of the original Legion controlled Horde who invaded Azeroth during the First and Second Wars.

And the Orcs in general don’t like dealing with them either due to the whole being enslaved by them prior to being enslaved by the Legion.

And that’s without adding in the fact that the 2-headed variety were exclusively the result of Gul’Dan magically messing with the species with Fel magic. Plus, for extra flavor, let’s remember all the shenanigans numerous prominent Ogres have been up to after the First & Second Wars (especially Cho’Gal, ), and dealing with the Gorian Empire Ogres during WoD.

There are a handful working here and there for various Goblin Cartels and the Darkmoon Faire as strongmen, but those are few and far between relatively speaking.

Horde has the highest probability for a faction to stick them if they were introduced as playable. But again, it would require a pretty big shift in cultural interactions for it to happen on a wider scale for either faction (much less both as another potential “neutral” race that picks a side after the Pandaren and Dracthyr fashion).

Just wait for Saffy and Grizzek to have kids. Then we can all have an adorable Gnomblin character to play.

And then we get new powerfool Horde race. Like the Old Gods. Tentalions! Murloks with lots of tentacles that can deform into tentacles and reform into normal hands and feet! And can crawl around like those Sha aberrations with tentacles. When they do that, 90% damage buff! 90% speed boost! 99% chance to crit! Only downside is that they look ugly but guess what, most Horde races look ugly so that’s okay.

Cur is excited and in the mooddown there -he is trolling everyone again- aka pestering LOL

Kultirans should have been vrykul. Diaper gnomes should have been mechagnomes from wrath. Then people would play them.

What about Fairy race for horde?