New Players Prepping for Wrath

Hello, fellow forum dwellers!

With the announcement of Wrath era classic, I think it’s safe to say we’ll see some players come back or boost new toons to prep and enjoy the final months of TBC. With that being said, coming back this late into the lifespan of classic could be daunting.

There’s nothing quite like the burnout feeling that comes from starting late, and solo. So, to prevent that, some friends and I are looking to join or make a community that could use those of us who want to ride out the Sunwell and then drop into Wrath.

Feel free to reach out, and we can level up/gear up together! I started this week by jumping back on my lock.

Discord: Chase#2000
BattleTag: ArrowGantt#1298

OP here - forgot to mark myself as the right character. Cheers!

This is a great idea for me…I am sitting here thinking I want to boost someone but not sure what class. Shaman/Hunter/Mage/Lock are my options. I dont have anyone over level 20 on the server. I am a refuge from SoM.

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I’m returning and working on a Rogue for Wrath… taking my time and just enjoying it. Be down to join up on somethings sometime. This is my rogue.

Ah, my condolences about SoM. I’m in the same boat, leveled a paladin just for the server to go up in smoke, lol.

All those classes are super fun! We don’t happen to have a hunter friend yet, but you should definitely boost what you think you’d enjoy the most, if you do end up using it.

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My friend is leveling up his prot paladin now! He’s pumping levels at a steady rate so maybe there’s a chance to find some groups for dungeons!

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My votes Mage just so I can bug you for ports :stuck_out_tongue: lol j/k… maybe… >.> I just settled on what I enjoy the most in a class. Forgot all about whats in demand or what might be most needed. I know i’ll find the right raid group later. Not sure your plans on that aspect. But just my 2 cents if they even worth 2 cents lol


Seems like there’s been a lot more interest in getting a group together than I thought. Some folks are dm’ing me about raid leading and logs and mapping out a plan for a couple tiers before Wrath hits. Soooo I guess this might turn into something bigger. Feel free to add me on Discord and I can whip up a server later today.


If you’d like help let me know. Know a thing or three bout discord servers. :smiley:

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Are you all boosting to 58 or grinding it up? Either is fine as long as I have peeps to group with! That said I have done the horde 0-40 grind so many times its exhausting now.

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My friend is leveling up his prot paladin now! He’s pumping levels at a steady rate so maybe there’s a chance to find some groups for dungeons! He’s about lvl 30 now after a week, but myself and and others have 60s we have boosted and are working on.

I boosted my undead Warlock last night to 58. Her name is Muffy. She hasn’t appeared in my character selection here. I have started working on tailoring.

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great! add me on discord and I can send you a link to our startup server. Grouping should be a lot easier then!

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I’m leveling the druid (49) for Wrath! My buddy is leveling his shaman. I plan to go resto at 80. It should be fun!

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Hey all! I’m also coming back after not playing for a while, I’m lvl 70 but basically still in questing gear. ^^;

I’m just interested in finding a group to play with! I’m interested in pvp but I’d like to dip my toe in some dungeons as well!

My discord is Victoria#3390

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