Show me where I said this I dare you go ahead and show me
If anything, its too easy to level and catch up now.
I upgraded to BfA mid expansion and leveled up lots of characters in Korrak’s Revenge. Then to BfA, where I was given a massive amount of quests with no indication whatever which order I should do them in. I later found out that some of the story quests had already been removed.
You were crying it could not be done in one day because you did not want to play for a whole day.
If you were not arguing to reduce it, while also arguing it takes too long, i recommend you get your head checked as the two do not go side by side.
Alts have catch ups new players dont so it will take them longer but thats how they learn the story so it makes sense but they did cut out stuff which is weird and confusing to them
Hahahaha no one was crying your just making crap up I gave you FACTS on how long it took a new player that was NOT MY OPINION on whether it should or should not be that way STOP MAKING UP YOUR OWN BULLCRAP
They don’t have to grind any more than anyone else had to grind.
Okay talonel, your facts were it takes less than 8 hours to get to zerith mortis
Either youre saying ZM takes 16 hours or you are flat out wrong.
I dont care which.
But clearly youre not worth listening to
Theres actually a little less with what they removed from story its weird
Whats your problem that your incapable of reading you claimed it took a couple hours to do main campaign and I corrected you and now your making up bullcrap and acting obtuse are you seriously this dense???
Yes, whenever I come back to a game after a decade + I also expect to be able to pick it up again, instantly.
This is def not what’s ruining MMOs atm.
run zm and rando pvp and then mythic plus 2s? profit
I did both campaigns without skips.
They took only a few hours.
You go on to argue they cant be done in a day, because your friends play through took longer than mine and they chose to do it over multiple days instead of one.
It does take a couple of hours.
I was humouring your argument to show how weak it was.
Not accepting it.
If you have 5 to 6 hours, a fresh level 60 can be caught up
Well of course it was ment for people who have been around for awhile but even now its super easy to get ilvl to beat that annoying mob ilvl scaleing i hate with a bloody passion.
new patch gear will let u dominate world quests, no lie
I would even say it’s alot easier now then before.
then u get the valor, then u get the power
My thoughts are that anyone will need to play any game’s content (not just WoW) in order to achieve a certain level within the game. I’m curious as to what you think the expansion content should be reduced to for a ‘new’ player. Walk in, do a few skips and voila, you are caught up with all the content?
You ask for our thoughts but perhaps give your own to give readers the opportunity to understand what it is you are asking for. Just how much should be cut, and why?
Your an alt with flying who knows where to go and a new player isnt you I gave you new player four sessions of play two hours each
You dont have an argument because your not a new player genius go crawl back into your basement you have no clue what new players have to do and before you staet lying again thats not a complaint its just FACT and nowhere was I crying or whining or any other bullcrap your going to make up next you said you were done with me so be done before you make a fool out of yourself again since you cant even read and comprehend a conversation or quote what you claim I said since it was never said bye troll go get your last word since your obsessed troll
Haha I can see you typing away already troll your talking to the void now as you furiously type your bad argument