New players can't trade

If you didn’t know, it seems that new accounts have to wait 30 days before interacting with trade/mail/AH. I understand that this is probably part of the war effort against bots, but I don’t think this is the solution. There is no disclaimer before you buy, and when you try to mail something it just says, “this action is restricted”.

This isn’t a post to signal my unsub, but by the time I wait out those 19 days I have left, I’m not even sure if I’ll care to come back. If you must do this Blizz, please, at least be transparent.


While I think this may be concerning for new players who are only intending to play WoW Classic, afaik, it only impacts Classic Era, which is technically free with your WoW subscription.

If you encounter these restrictions on any other WoW Classic characters, you must first pay for game time and allow 26 days to pass.

Yeah, I now know all this, and I’m willing to wait. I have a backlog of games I can turn to until the restriction is lifted. Just sucks because I was looking forward to coming back, but I’d rather wait with the trade restrictions.

I only hope that when and if I do come back, that I can trade and don’t end up in the same boat.

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Yeah, I mean not being able to use the AH or trade definitely has its disadvantages. While I can’t see it keeping me from playing the game, and enjoying myself if I wanted to play, I can understand that for some people trading/using the AH is the main game, and specifically only in Classic Era, so if that’s you and you’re impacted, then it sucks to be an exception, but somebody has to be!

Anyway, not sure why you’d be in the same boat if the restrictions are lifted after 26 days, but fingers crossed! :crossed_fingers:

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Now you know why I accepted the bots.

I always knew that they were here to stay.

And I also knew that complaining only hurts everyone overall through collateral damage, the company’s favorite kind of damage.

The new acct restrictions didn’t stop the bots; only new players from proper access of the game.

The so called GDKP ban in SoD created a 1984-esque environment where GDKP simply disguised itself to not appear so obvious like it is in era, turning player against player where reprimands were handed out due to collateral situations that didn’t directly involve the reprimanded yet was thrown away with lock a key along with those presumed guilty.

Better an innocent is accidently reprimanded along with all the guilty than to allow a single guilty entity to escape reprimanding?


Lotta good…

Any of these draconic measures have done to stop the botting.

The botting is a system of gaming culture of today…

They’re not stopping anything simply because this is how gamers want to play this game. All the company is doing is further driving an underground culture with draconic, over-measured policies.

Please submit feedback in game! I ask every new and returning player to do so, so that blizz has a record of the legitimate players affected by their test.

Edited to add: You can find submit feed or report a bug under the ‘‘help’’ menu, scroll down til you see a row of buttons, it will be along that.

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I don’t know. I’m not sure what their thresholds are or for what… but that’s also not what I stated, is it?

There are always exceptions. If it’s a 99% rule, there’s still 1 in 100 (on average) that is an exception to that rule. 99.9% and it’s 1 in 1000, more 9s adds a lot of $$ to resource spend, and I’m not sure if they are optimizing to catch all bad actors or to prevent all innocents from being reprimanded, nor where they lean, though I’d imagine the latter direction.


This was unbelievable bad on Blizzards behalf, The Wow Product owner should lose the Job, I mean they get one of the biggest influxes of new players and old ( I’m back after 30 years) and what me and my friends jump in all excited, and we can’t play?

Run some SQL over the DB for crying out load and unblock the new players.

Honestly we signed up for a month to "give it a try and remiss out the good old days, only to find they were bad old days not much has changed.

Enjoy the month subscript, we wont be back again.


Did you know you can still play the game without trading? It’s a whole genre of hardcore called solo self found. Give it shot. It’s a good measure of how good you are at the game.

Some people don’t want to play an MMO solo.


Here you go play a Durid, you get to like level 14 and be given a quest that requires Earthroot, if you not a herbalist, on that toon, you are not getting remove poison for 30 days. You cant trade it from your herbalist character, or buy it from the AH.

You are literally stuffed. I google there might be a few places scattered around the relams where you can buy it from an NPC, the cross roads was one I went there and nada… so might not be a wow classic thing.

Super bad experience all round.


Hello Falconseye. I see you are frustrated here about your restrictions that are leading you to have a bad experience. Did Blizzard not inform you before purchasing that you would only be receiving half of the product thus making the game unplayable? No they didn’t? Sounds like you got scammed bro. Blizzard just got over on every new player and returning player (who haven’t payed subscription in 7 years).

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This is Horrible!! I played WoW in Beta… and played for years. Haven’t played for at least 10 years when my son wanted me to play the new refresh with him from level 0 up… So I buy a subscription, login and bam… can’t buy from AH and can’t trade to him… this is horrid. I messaged support and was basically told too bad… there has got to be a better solution, way to ruin a return… of course they call me a new player even though you can clearly see on my account prior subscriptions… really really poor cust service… really poor.


Hi mods. These threads aren’t going to go away just because you keep locking them. Until you fix this and stop scamming your customers they will keep being posted.


you can ask for a refund on the sub payment, as wasnt advertised prior, i got my money back last time which was nice.

Well this time around Blizzard is denying us refunds, and actively merging and closing threads on any players speaking out about these restrictions.

And Tresetasath, you said last time? You’re telling me Blizzard ran this scam before and was successful so they are running it back for round two?