New Player

Hello I’m a totally new player. I really want to do delves and was wondering if buying war within and grinding delves to level and get gear as a new player. since I don’t really care about the story i just pretty much just want to level and learn my class. was just wondering if delves were good for that??

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Leveling up just in delves is possible but a bit in the slow side. You’ll want to do the campaign at least once on one character to unlock higher tier delves.

Gearing up just in delves works just fine.

alright cool. i was gonna do the war within campaign just didn’t know if gear was good cause idk if im gonna do raids or not

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Yes. The gear is good. Gearing through delves is slower than raiding/m+ but you can get as well geared as a heroic raider if you keep at it.

Do keep in mind that leveling in delves won’t be an option until level 70 when you can head to TWW zones. Gear that drops will scale with your level and the difficulty of the delve. The max difficulty you can do while leveling is 3.

Like Althalas said, it’s best to complete the campaign at least once, that will open up all the zones and get you a collection of Keys that you can use in max level delves to get extra/better loot.