Dear fellow… Wowers:
I´m basically new to the game and am joining friends in the expansion. So I am currently leveling a Night Elf priest. I am currently level 110.
What content should i clear and what objectives should i complete before the expansion, please?
Questions I have:
Do I need to farm Rep and Unlock Void elf and the other races? Or will the pre expansion patch make things easier? Should I wait?
Should I do the quests in Battle for Azeroth? Or should i just wait for the pre expansion patch? Currently I have cleared NO CONTENT in Battle For Azeroth
I do need to pay and upgrade the various Master, Artisan Riding skills? Each zone seems to have its one version of these, preventing me from flying.
Should I work on heirlooms? Is there other content you suggest I clear?
FINALLY one last question:
- Should I just level to 120 and wait? Or should i do the above and more?
Thank you for the help. I´m currently drinking a lot of caffeine to try and get stuff done lol.