New player requesting Mage Tower appearances!

Hi, I started playing WoW a few weeks ago and have really enjoyed pet battling, tanking dungeons as a bear, the holiday quests, and the story so far. I also really liked dressing up my character and and my animal forms, and after looking at a guide online I realized that a bunch of stuff has been removed from the game, and the best looking stuff, including these awesome cats, came from the mage tower from the Legion expansion.

As a new player it’s really disheartening that stuff from so many expansions ago is still removed. What’s odd is that they seem to have even added it back in because they know players wanted it, but they only added back a green form that I like a lot less than the originals and none of the weapons.

Looking through all the appearances for all the classes that was removed and looking at the stuff from this expansion and even the last expansion, it’s crazy that there isn’t anything that looks nearly as good, except for a few animal forms like the owl. I have like 6 ugly wooden sticks so far, I feel like as a new player I am super late to the party and there’s almost no point since a ton of stuff is completely locked out from me. :expressionless:

Why did they make the best looking class specific appearances in the game and then lock them to a few months of an event?? And never do it again??


Very little has been removed. And sparkle cat is the same model as the other cats. It just sparkles. If you want a more unique model, the hidden appearance cat form is still available.

Blizzard doesn’t want to bring back the challenge mode gear. My suggestion would be to ask for new recolor or remodels of them.

No. The werebear model was added back because bears had almost no customization compared to other forms. And Emerald Dream has a new wooden and flowers werebear form. Notice how these are recolors/remodels and further establishes they’ll do those, thus being a better option to ask for those.

It’s one appearance per spec. That’s it. And “best” is subjective.


I would not call 18 months “a few months.”


The druid forms really should come back and those who did the druid mage towers be given a weapon appearance in its place.
Druid forms arent on the same level as trangmog and mounts. Theyre akin to character customisation.

But in general, theres lots of great items in the game.
I dont even use the mage tower artefact skins i got any more.


I think you’re missing the point, I just googled the release date and it was released in 2016, it’s been over half a decade since this stuff was removed. I’ve been playing for like a month lol, seems like you’re saying I should just not play since I wasn’t there to get the good stuff.


While I generally say things should never be removed, the one exception I have is anything tied in with an achievement. And no, I don’t have all the OG MT stuff, so that’s not why I want it kept out of the game.

I would honestly love to have some of the missing OG MT stuff, but it’s gone and should stay gone.


As someone who has been playing WoW for 20s years. The Mage Tower challenge and all appearances should be available for all to try their hands at.

Part of WoWs main freaking problem is that there is very little to NO evergreen content for people to continue to work on. This crap causes FOMO to a sickening degree.


Tbf the mage tower challenge is still there and does have rewards tied to it.
Just not the same ones.

So the evergreen factor does apply to the challenge.


Can you point out to me all of the content that has been removed? Because last I checked, all of the questing, raids, dungeons, old PvP sets, etc. are still there.

The only stuff removed is Elite PvP and Challenge Mode PvE. And we haven’t had a CM since Legion.

And they brought back the MT. Which no one does. Because people claim they want evergreen challenging content and then complain about it and don’t run it.

There is not a psychologial phenomenon going on in this game.


Definitely a shame for druids. Don’t really care about any of the others

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I think everything should come back. No reason for it to be left out of the game permanently. This is coming from someone who has a lot of the MT weapons.


i have a few of the appearances and i agree

bring em back

preferably to the trading post


As a druid since Vanilla… not really. The sparkle cat is the exact same model as the other Legion cats. It just has obnoxious sparkles. The more unique form was given to Feral through their hidden appearance.

And the werebear model was added back in with two different skins now.

Druids didn’t really lose out. Especially now, with all of the new forms added in Emerald Dream and all of the moonkin customizations.


I’ve seen a lot of stuff removed just looking through the item databases, there’s tons of titles missing, tons of mounts, weapons, armor, even pets… I was actually astonished, and you can even see what is available for sticks for druids in the collections menu for this expansion and 70% of its dragon themed so if you don’t like dragons and just want to be a druid you’re out of luck.

I think the main thing is the mage tower stuff is like class specific, so it’s locking you out of the few items that are made specifically for your class.

Which is dumb, like why put back the same challenge but then gatekeep new players?

I feel like WoW is anti-new player. They want people to leave the game and go play new “evergreen” games.


well they want to preserve the achievement of the people who did do the content before. why bring the content back and not give new rewards? you would be giving the shaft to people who have the stuff already.


But they still have the items, who is taking the items away from them? And to get the items you’d still have to do the exact same challenge? Doesn’t make any sense to me. If I can do the same thing they did then I should earn the same reward.

Also, isn’t having the item for 6 years exclusive enough lol. I mean come on.


its content that people wouldnt be able to do because it has nothing to reward if it was the old items.

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There’s a green bear from the mage tower challenge.

The rest of the appearances are unobtainable and this is unlikely to chane.


But they do get something, they get the new armor for their class. And I could get the druid forms. You’re still not making any sense. And if they already did it, then the reward is they don’t have to do it again and can go do other stuff lol.

no you want the mage tower to award old weapon appearances. in your ideal world, the mage tower wouldnt have the armor but the weapons.

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