Hello there WOW vets,
This is my first time playing WoW and was wondering how to play this game?
Do I have to grind to 110 first? I know this is a weird question but I’m kinda confused as to what I’m supposed to do hahaha!
Any help or advice would be awesome and sorry in advance if you find this question annoying to ask!
Welcome to the game.
120 is the max level and where most players are but there are still dungeons and battlegrounds you can do while you level starting around like lvl 10 or 15
I would just quest a bit, and queue for dungeons when they become available.
Also here is a link to a bunch of new player guides https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/c/guides/new-player-help-guides
I would say there are 2 schools of thought.
Find yourself a very helpful guild to guide you around.
Or, just play the game at your own pace, " smell the roses " along the way and enjoy the ride, find your own way around.
Use google a lot when you are stumped.
Welcome! I see you’re already playing alliance, so you’re clearly very confused. That’s alright, we like you anyway.
I would reccomend taking it slow at first, do the quests, enjoy the stories, explore the various zones and see what’s out there. There’s a lot to see! Focus on learning how to play your class as you gain new skills and abilities and see how they work together.
Then, start branching out a little. Start running dungeons once you’re able, they’ll introduce you to the basic concepts you’ll need to understand if you want to try raiding later on. Use the dungeon finder tool to que for PvP battles and try taking on the might of the horde.
Most importantly, get out and make friends! WoW is a multiplayer game, but when you’re low level, going through old, empty zones, it can feel like a single player game. Join the Alliance Discord channel https ://discord .gg/Ve5F4X5 (remove the spaces) and introduce yourself.
As you level up, learn more about this strange new world and the people who inhabit it, you’ll begin to understand where you want to fit in, and whou you want your character to be. What your backstory? What is your motivation for doing the things you do? Come out to the events posted in the discord and join a guild that fits your playstyle.
Most importantly, as soon as you’re able, turn warmode on, and never turn it off. This is Emerald Dream, after all. I look forward to mercilessly ganking you.
Have fun out there!
First off, you are a Dwarf so obviously quite intelligent. Second, I came back from BC when I last played so I get it as a lot has changed for me. What I did recently was:
- Decide what class I wanted so I played a few to 20 on the trial.
- Logged in and quested and followed a path that will lead you through the levels.
- I reviewed the old zone levels and made sure I was in that range when in that zone. I kept moving every 5 levels to a new zone for better gear.
- Take highest level gear and or biggest upgrade
- Read up on class and spec. Focus on weapons needed if necessary like in rogue, DK, etc.
- I went with engineering and mining gave me very good exp. I hear going mining or herbs to track one of them along with skinning is a great way to accrue gold.
- Spend only on necessities like mount and ability to ride/fly. Gear gets replaced quickly. Don’t focus on professions right away. I am going back and working slowly on engineering (did work on some in the WoD expansion in garrison you earn).
- Have fun. I was always a healer and this time I went tank while leveling and not usually dps but it is so easy now to switch in town. Lots of options with your specialization.
- As previously stated, build up friends list and don’t rush to join a guild. If you want to eventually, keep an eye on whom you run across. I kept the box checked to avoid guild invites while leveling
- If you can’t decide on a class and want a little bit of everything, a druid might be fun. They can do everything just not as well as others that specialize in healing, tanking, damage, etc.
- Try the horde side and see if you like that vibe. Some like it more and some like one in each (or several in each). But being a Dwarf is no better status for sure.
Welcome about. Don’ t burn out. Pace yourself. Meet people. Save gold.
My only advice, is the first time through the game. Read EVERYTHING and follow your own pace. Don’t be afraid to whisper people who share the same class with you. A simple /who or post on the class forums can usually do the trick. Maybe not the class forums at this point but there are guides and people who can and will always be willing to point you in the right direction.
Also a suggestion: Go Horde. Superior pvp and RP guilds. Dwarf was an okay choice but I’d hate to have to kill you in public upon sight.
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You should have a 110 boost if you bought the most recent expansion to get right into the end game, “real” content.
In all other instances, yes. Do use the class trial feature, as that will help a lot in figuring out what you want to play before using that boost on a mistake.