New player question

Good day.

I am planning on leveling an Arms Warrior as I like having a heavy 2 hander weapon and it being slow so I can plan the rotation instead of being a reactionary button masher.

That being said. How do I go about damage mitigation? From what I understand Fury has built in heals and Arms doesn’t. Is this going to be a huge survival issue? How do you guiys handle incoming damage and secondly, is it OK if I either go Venthyr or Night Fae as Arms?

Impending victory- Defensive stance/second wind - ignore pain - die by the sword will handle every issues you having as arm survivability and self heal. It can be a very tanky spec if you play pro active and not reactive.

Unless you pushing high content, you can play w/e covenant, aim what funner for you.


So basically, Take time to read the tool tips and some have pointed me to Icy-veins. So I will read everything. Thank you for the Information. I am not new to gaming but new to wow.

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Basically yes and you are welcome!

Icyveins is a good place to get started, wowhead is good source too and there the warrior community discord.

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.