New Player Looking For A WoW Friend

Hello. New player here. I just leveled to 10 to get the basics of the game down. None of my friends play this game so I was hoping to find someone that I could sometimes play with or help me learn the game. I’m willing to hop on any realm and any faction. Leave your battle tag and I will add you if you are interested in helping this noob. Or you can add mine. Glowingmoon#11909 Thanks!


Hey :slight_smile: If you’re willing to switch faction, I have a newly created community on Alliance side. That means that Alliance characters from any realm can join. We’re very relaxed and new players friendly.

If you’d like to have a chat, here’s my battletag: Felagun#11374 :smiley:

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Hey there! I am on Thrall (Horde) feel free to add me and i am more than happy to help you! tinosauous#1507

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So I definitely butchered my btag. Its tinosaurous#1507

Heya! A friend and I are going to be starting the game later today if you haven’t found any newbie players to game with. Sounds fun to partner with others for this~

Idk my battle tag, but I can add you.

IrishCowboy11236. Feel free to add me and ask anything. I can play either but most of mine are alliance

I’m pretty new to the game too. I play Horde on Azshara realm if you ever wanna play. Battletag is itsg0ldeson#1963. That goes for anyone else that sees this who’s on Azshara. Buddy of mine got me into the game but hasn’t been able to play since, due to personal stuff going on in his life. Pretty lonely lol. None of my other friends like this game.

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I have characters on both faction my bnet is Jtemp#11457 if u want to add me , and if anyone else wants to

Ill add you