New player Horde or Alliance?

Hello, so im having a rough time picking Horde or Alliance. I like races and classes from both factions but with that being said I have leveled 3 different characters on alliance and have noticed it seems like the Alliance side is full of the “younger generation” and alot of server politics and drama. is the Horde side on this server the same way? Im a older gamer and looking to enjoy end game content and pvp and looking for the more mature faction if you willl lol. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! thank you

As a fellow older gamer I know exactly what you mean… most of the realms(classic and retail) are filled with that no matter which faction you are on. I find when I put the major chat channels(general, lfg, trade ect) in separate windows I have a more enjoyable experience overall and I can always click over to the window when I actually need to use them for trading or finding groups. It’s sad that a person has to do this but with so many people just looking to act a fool and fill chat with nonsense it seems like it’s the way to go. It also helps a lot to find a guild of like-minded players that stray away from the immature stuff, s*** posting and drama. Sadly, even some of the adults act like attention starved children 24/7 in-game so best of luck to you… Just find a character you enjoy playing and ignore the chatter you’ll eventually bump into some people you enjoy adventuring with!

I can’t speak for horde but I’ve met some wonderful people on Alliance on this realm while out questing and I’ve just started here myself.

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ive been playing on Sulfuras as horde and people are more mature there. I feel like this server has much more immature players because of the streamers heavy influence on this server, and maybe no matter what faction you choose there will be these type of players.

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If you don’t like drama and these big events don’t roll on faerlina the whole server is this way

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on the alliance side i was really worried going in that this was gonna be another moon guard, but having played a few days here on random toons trying to pick my main i have met some real nice people. even got gifted a random set of greens for my warrior.

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F*** the horde they let ea. Other get ganked and only care about themselves or get a group to gank a bunch of lowbies cause they can’t handle their lvl

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My suggestion.

Stop worrying so much about what other people are saying and focus on your own crap.

Vanilla experience.

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No. Horde is great. Interruptions are few, and the zergs are amusing, not dramatic at lesst to me. Its fun.

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Very helpful.