New Player Here: Please make unlocking allied races easier

That’s wrong. They’re right there on character creation and you’re locked out. It’s not a positive thing to see.

Yeah go tell me how easy it is to find groups for Mytnic Mechagon. :rofl:


And that makes it even worse…because a new player will see a list of races on their character creation screen that they are not allowed to use and do not know why.


I’ve never understood the many hoops you have to jump thru just to play a race. I started in bfa and went thru numerous headaches trying to figure the unlock for nightborne. Had to use a third party website to find the correct npc, not to mention proper location as its from a previous expansion, then spent boring weeks running around suramar due to not having flying unlocked. They REALLY need to stop putting so many hoops and barriers in this game for basic stuff because it is killing this games ability to grow.


Nightborne was the worst…

You have to complete a meta just to start the meta for unlocking them.


… I would expect to be able to play them immediately.


There are all kinds of cons to being a brand new player in an MMO.

Another example… healer DPS.

FFXI had no healer DPS. If you played a healer, you were a healer. If someone even suggested doing DPS, they’d be laughed at. That person goes to FFXIV thinking “I like healing, I’ll do that there” and get berated for not doing DPS. That’s confusing.

Going from WoW to FFXIV being a career Paladin only to find out that no matter what, you’re a tank.

It used to require quite a bit of rep farming x_x It took like… a month or so for me to get through Mechagon alone.

Keep it as it is, imo.

Your point? a level 60 can basically walk through those

Why find a group when a 60 can walk through said instance lol

I’m sorry that you want to play mechagnomes, but yes, the locking of old content is insane and insidious design. Allied races all locked, all of Legion is STILL timegated and locked for alts and new players. It’s disgusting.

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Yeah I did all the original stuff… hated every damn minute of it. I still think Blizzard just need to unlock them.


It was sooooo confusing. Like two achievments were needed which had numerous achievements needed to even get started. Then I would hit a wall because an npc needed a lot of a resource that I had to go and grind just to continue . Not to mention the aggravation of all the running around I had to do because suramar had many layers and I would find myself above or below where I needed to be. I almost quit the game over it . There was nothing fun about it.

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They needed to make ALL allied race unlocks equal, either make them all as tedious as the Kul Tiran unlock or make them all like the others that involved following a quest line that could be done entirely solo without breaking a sweat.

Saddest part of it to me… I don’t play Nightborne :frowning:

Dark Iron and Void Elf are my fav and that’s coming from someone who was horde since the game came out.

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You seem to be missing the point. Someone wants to play a race and can’t. They have to first level some race they don’t want to play in order to unlock the race they do want to play. Now you want them to level another 10 levels and gear up through Korthia just to run Mythic Mechagon? LOL no.

Just answered this stupid question.


I suppose a better way to express it would be ‘time-consuming’. I’ve already spent the better part of a month trying to unlock two races so I can actually play the game how I’d like.

I guess I just dont understand. By replies in this post I see that Horde doesn’t have to do ANY dungeons to unlock their races? Do Vulpera doesn’t need a ‘mechagon’ style dungeon to unlock?

Is it as time-consuming to unlock Zandalari as it is Kul Tirans?


They did but every race gets the pick of either that or their starter zone. I guess they could force the Allied races there.


Nope. Horde have zero dungeons attached to their AR unlocks.


I’m for removing any and all requirements for Allied Races. It was a silly thing to have. Saying they were for long time players was BS, on Blizzard’s part. It was marketed as part of the expansion so let it be part of the expansion. They are characters that should simply be picked by a player.

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Alliance really got the short end of the stick with their allied race requirements.