New Player Here: Please make unlocking allied races easier

I kind of see Leaf’s point. You could place anything here:

“Not having [insert random request] is killing my desire to play the game. Fix please.”

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Ahh yes. The World of Warcraft community. Hates everyone who leaves and people who join equally.

Best if they stop advertising the game too. We don’t need new players. Don’t need old players either. You know what? Single instance servers. No more players. Just me.


This is comparing apples to oranges with apples being content earned in a previos xpac vs current xpac. It’s really not a true comparison.


makes no sense for them to be locked.
I mean u buy a game to play… think that’s what you do when you buy a game…
blizzard aren’t smart enough to know that…


If they’re going to insist on keeping the requirements for Allied Races then people should be allowed to do Chromie Time from 50 to 60 in BFA zones so that the grind feels slightly less pointless for the probably large number of people who played during Legion and not BFA

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Mechagnome Love Thread 🥰 - #3628 by Clockworth-terenas See the mechagnome love thread. Many do love them.


This I could agree with. Although taking away the dungeon runs would be my preference.

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Agreed. Unlocking Allied Races is not fun, it’s a tedious core and you don’t even feel any sense of accomplishment or satisfaction from unlocking them. You’re just glad the process is over.


You don’t even know what it took to get them in the first place… it’s easy mode, now…

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Allied races are a core expansion feature. Weren’t monks also a core expansion feature?

Did I need to do some chore to unlock them? I don’t remember.

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yes but those are all for that character or account wide.

allied races make you re-do content or buy a race change if you want to use them

They would still in turn have to go do Shadowland’s MSQ. What would even be the point?

An extra week of dailies… woohoo so much harder.

Allied races still being locked is stupid and should have never been the case to begin with…


Just another thing to show how much the devs favor Horde.

I’m also in agreement the unlock should be adjusted :+1:

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In all fairness, new players don’t really know what allied races really are. I kind of think the OP isn’t that new especially with a Classic title to level 20 and now asking about retail. If I am a brand new player to an mmo and there were these “allied races” I seriously doubt I would be asking about them until I have actually played the game and hit max level and learned a lot about the game.

Also, like others said, they are not long or hard at all to unlock now.

well they’re on the character creation screen


I’m on the fence about it.

I unlocked all of them by doing the metas and grinding exalted. Shortly after I finish the last one, they announce that they’re removing the rep requirement :roll_eyes:

Now (to me), they’re very easy. When I see someone come in and say they want it to be easier, I stare blankly, speechless.

I do remember when I first started grinding them… I complained how stupid it was and “Why can’t this just be like the old days… buy the expansion and BOOM, you can play the new race right away?”

That’s wrong. They’re right there on character creation and you’re locked out. It’s not a positive thing to see.

Yeah go tell me how easy it is to find groups for Mytnic Mechagon. :rofl: