New player guide to TWW

Well hi there! Welcome to world of warcraft and our awesome community. Glad to see you and meet you.
So ive seen allot of yall asking how doni get started from lvl 1-max? What is end game content? How do i do end game content? What is a log? Etc etc.
Well dont worry im here to help. So to start lets talk about the leveling process.

(This is assuming you are reading this either right before or at release for TWW)
Levels 1-10
Exiles reach. Aka tutorial zone just follow the quests and do the quests and have fun with the skele dragon.
Levels 10-70.
I would suggest just doing the dragonflight quests as they are fast and fun while also queing for dungeons as you go.
Level 70 (pre release TWW)
Just experiment. Try some raids m+ etc see what you like. Maybe try some new classes or roles. Follow dungeons are a great way to learn a class.
Levels 70-80
Follow the TWW quest line and enjoy the new story and zones. (If you dont like spiders i suggest turning on phobia mode so they all become cute crabs)

End game:
The big one. So end game consists of 4 main pillars as of TWW. Raiding , PvP, mythic +(or m+/keys) and the new pillar called delves.
I will break down each one and how to get started and progress in each pillar. As well as gearing
Gearing pre raid and mythic plus
Before season 1 of TWW world quests, crafting, delves and heroic dungeons will be your main source of player power. So just get the highest ilvl (item level) you can while also farming rep for other goodies.

Raid will have 5 difficulties as of TWW story, LFR (looking for raid) , normal, heroic, and mythic.
Raids are a series of instenced boss encounters and require you and a group of others doing mechanics to defeat bosses to get loot.
So how do you get started? So LFR is normally where people start as it can be qued up for in the dungeon/group finder tab(the green eyeball button) under the raid section. This puts you with a group of 25 others. (2 tanks 5 healers 18 dps) to face 2-3 bosses from the raid. Each raid is split into wings and require you to que up for each wing to face them.
After that comes normal. You will need to either find a group via the group finder tab or start your own. These groups consist of 10-30 people and will have a minimum of 2 tanks and 2-5 healers. Unlike lfr you will be able to face all the bosses back to back if you are able to defeat them.

Heroic just like normal requires you to find or form a group and is harder then normal with bosses do more damage, having more HP, and new mechanics. I would suggest finding a guild to do this level of content (i will cover finding a guild later on)
Mythic. The hardest raiding content. This requires you having a guild and a minimum and maximum of 20 people. Bosses are much harder have more mechanics and are more punishing but offer the best loot in the game.

PvP has several different styles from solo shuffle to battle grounds there something for most interested in PvP.
You can que up for most of this via the group finder tab. (The green eyeball button)
While ranked verients will require you to group with people before quing.
I would suggest adding people you find cool or good at pvp when you que with them to your friends list.
Now pvp uses a different gearing system then PvE (player vs enviorment such as raid or M+)
And you get this gear from pvp vendors by exchanging honor and conquest.

Mythic plus:
mythic plus also known as m+ or keys are dungeons on a timer ranging from M2 - M (insert any number) (fun fact there is no such thing as a M1) the M stands for mythic dungeon and the number stands for its level. Example. A M10 is mythic dungeon level 10.
In mythic plus you will have a keystone or key that lets you turn a certain dungeon into a mythic keystone dungeon. By completing the dungeon (beating a certain amount of enemy mobs or trash and all the bosses) within the time limit you will upgrade your key to a higher level which means better possible loot.
Now keys at different levels have something called affixs and each one spices up the key making it different. ( a list of affixs can be found on wowhead)
To que for this you will need to find or form a group then head to that dungeon. (Make sure you set the dungeon difficulty to mythic (right click your charecter hpbar and select dungeon difficulty from the drop down) and once everyone is ready you can activate your key in the little glowing pillar inside. Keys normally have 1 tank 1 healer and 3 dps.
Then you race to the end kill the % of trash you need and all the bosses.
Key mechanics to know
CC: or crowd control is used to stop enemies from attacking casting moving etc. a CCed mob is a none daming mob (you cannot CC all mobs and can not CC bosses)
mob/trash: none boss enemies in dungeons
interrupts: a ability that stops a mob or boss from casting a spell or ability this is normally indicated by a yellow bar

Guilds: Guilds are a group of players who normally want to game together and will use discord as a VC hang out. (VC means voice chat) you can find guilds in game via chat, websites like guilds of wow or a discord like the wow recruitment discord. (i suggest googling these if you need help finding them)
You can find a guild to suit your needs from new to old players and a great way to get help learning the game.

Logs: some guilds will ask for logs these are basically your raid stats and confirms you killed bosses and how well you did on those bosses. These can be found on warcraftlogs (google it if you need help finding the website) its also a great tool to see how you are doing and to improve.
Now some guilds will ask you to download addons or WA (weakauras) these are addons that help you in the game (there is plenty of youtube videos to help set them up)

Delves: a new systen where you and some friends ( or our dwarf friend who is an NPC) go trough a type of semi dungeon and complete puzzles and objectives with rewards at the end. these can be done solo and your role will decide how the NPC helper reacts either tanking healing or damaging. these can be found scattered around the new zones and some require a key to do. they scale from 1-13 levels in difficulty adding new rewards for completing the harder difficulties

So welcome to the party if you have questions feel free to ask and i will reply as soon as i can. :smiley:

Can u pls xplain how 2 fin teh static n my fc 2 prog uwu?

Try plugging it in and unplugging it. idk :stuck_out_tongue: