New Player - EST

I am just trying to get back into the game and taking my time, enjoying the experience. Everything is so different from when I last played (I think it was during the fel invasion or something like that). Interface is completely different now but getting acclimated.

Anyway, looking for a home of sorts…I generally gravitate towards the tanking role but open to whatever. I’m not a slouch, but I’m not hard-core either…those days are behind me.

Hi Afafren!

If someone is looking for friendly social community, the beating heart of a MMO, Found a Green Quest (US Horde Zul’jin & cross realm/cross faction community) is the place. While we have Keystone masters and amazing players, we have many more in the community either returning to WoW, in classic or just finding their way through the World of Warcraft in a casual friendly environment. We have mythic Mondays for a respectful and fun environment. We raid weekly in Wednesdays and Thursdays (7:30pm-10pm EST) and are interested in building up people not tearing them down. We have plans for guild sponsored PVP, regular t-mog runs to old content, Guild trivia and game nights, Pet battle tournaments, almost any activity you can think of in the game. If you’re a high key pushers but are getting turned off by negativity, or are a casual looking for a fun and friendly community or are a new or returning player intimidated by everything you see ingame and in Wowhead, we have Plenty of people ready to help you out. Give Found a Green Quest shot and you wont regret it.

Let Kiuayoukai or Van know if you’re interested!

Discord Kiuayoukai#2395 Kiua#1912
Discord- Vandro#5790
Battlenet- TheHammer#1904

Good evening. I’m not sure if you found the home you are lookong for yet. Our guild is a group of older wow players on the realm Wrymrest. It is a RP realm but we don’t RP. The guild is called Synchronicity and we have a bit of every kind of player. Currently raid on Wednesday and Fridays. If you arent interested in raiding there is usually something going on. If you would like to create a character and check out to see if you like us that would be fine. If you have already found a home good luck there. If not you can find us in the in game guild finder to join or ask any questions here that you might still have. Have an awesome weekend.