New player discussion on community council

I would also like to add the following to that discussion:

Allied Races for new players:

These options are nonexistent and a new player finds out after seeing others in the cities that nearly half of the races are unavailable to them until they level a character 90% of the way and do a lot of questing— some of that in places they’ve never even been or know how to unlock.


  1. Drop the zone questing requirements
  2. Allow the scenarios for each Allied Race to be run at level 10
  3. Make the requirements reaching level 10 and running the scenario

Reasons for this:

  1. Allied Races are a bit like a Hero Class, with special perks: starting at level 10 with some green gear, a mount and a tabard. This distinction should stay.
  2. Since DHs are still considered a Hero Class and the requirements are level 10, it makes sense to treat these Allied Races similarly.
  3. New players get out of their tutorial, tour the city and could be ushered to the Embassy to view the races they can unlock and be given the choice to run the scenarios, making it seamless for them to get these races and new mounts for them.
  4. They’d unlock the race they want after reaching level 10ish, meaning when they create their second character as an Allied Race, they haven’t lost any levels and start at level 10, with those added bonuses of new mounts and tabards and some gear pieces.