Long downtime? Where do i find this info?
It is today I believe yes after downtime .5 patch will go live and Shadowlands legendaries will probably super expensive again considering they will not only become unlockable transmog but also apparently all take on the appearance of the Mythic set.
where is this information stickied?
Yellow post-it note. Obviously.
Forum would need mods for that
Open the launcher.
Ok checked wowhead and yup today 8 hours down time
As for Shadowlands legendaries here
Super easy and cheap to make yourself, though. I made a full set for myself and a friend for very little gold.
Literally first thing i did… nothing.
…and that doesn’t include tip. So you’re prolly looking at 9 or 10 hours, if you’re a generous tipper.
Yuh made a mail set for my Evoker earlier today before it becomes common knowledge and demand skyrockets really love the chest piece with the white fur collar honestly 3D assets have really helped some Mail Transmog look good
There’s a lot less enchanted lightless silk on on the AH now, but it’s still very cheap, like 15g a piece. There was an excessive amount of it on the AH right before WoWHead posted their article. Then crafters bought about 90% of it over 12 hours.