New Paladin Races

With 10.1.5 expanding warlocks to other races, do you think we’ll be seeing the addition of paladins to other races as well? Nothing more i want to play than a worgen paladin! What are your thoughts?

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They’ve said they are working on opening up class/race combos. Pally, shammy, and druid require new assets so they’ll be harder to implement than the others. I’m hoping pallies will be next since a worgen pally is what I wanted to make in cata, and of course velf so I can be a helf pally lol


There’ve been threads speculating on the next order of classes left to get this treatment will go. If memory serves some believe Paladin to one of the last, with Druid being absolute last, due to additional time making certain related assets, mounts in the Paladin’s case.

Whatever the case, it would be nice to have a Night Elf Paladin, finally. Frankly I’ve long felt like they were most fit to have that class out of the races who don’t so it would great to see that come to fruition. I’m otherwise ambivalent.


I would like my Holy Paladin a lot better if she wasn’t restricted to being a blood elf, a tauren or a Zandalari. Get on it, Blizz.

I don’t like the Alliance choices either. :woman_shrugging:t3:

Well it wouldn’t require new assets. it’s just people will rabble due to getting them in the past.

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Each race needs a pally mount, shammy totems, and racial druid forms, so yeah, new assets. Yeah they could get away with not doing the racial differences at first, but they might want to do them right when they add those race/class combos.

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They don’t need them. That’s my point.
The class would function just the same from reused assets

Ah, well I suppose we’ll see which way Blizz goes with that.

Oh no they’re definitely going to but that’s their choice…
I’m just pointing out it’s not a necessity it’s an artistic decision.

They could unlock paladin for everyone tomorrow with generic placeholders and then create the assets later

I’m sure the userbase will be totally understanding and patient.


Paladins are likely easier to add since each racial mount is a reskin of a common existing mount.

Shaman totems are fully customized, often with unique animations/effects.

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I mean people complain about everything. But which would be more aggravating not having a unique look or not being able to play a class combo?

Both. There’s no winning in this regard.

People complain about not being able to play insert race here Paladin/Shaman/Druid and if they release these classes with placeholder assets, people will complain that Blizz is lazy for releasing an unfinished feature.

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I’m looking forward to finally making a Forsaken Paladin.

There will be panda paladins and it will be glorious!


I know lots of people who want this option. So, I don’t see any reason why it shouldn’t happen.

Blizz said they are slowly working towards expanding all the class/race combos anyways.
So, it’ll happen eventually. Just a matter of blizz making time to create the racial assets for the classes that have them (shaman totems, paladin mounts, etc).

Paladins are the easiest to implement. All they really need to do is slap some light themed armor on the racial mounts and you’re 90% done.

I have kept my expectations low after we didn’t all get heritage armor in BfA. There’s the chance we don’t get access to all classes.

We can be priests, let us pick up a sword and protect others as paladins same as human priests did before.

It would seem Blizzard should rework the whole class and race issue before it gets out of control,it’s becoming non-unique.

Take all the colors of the rainbow on a canvas ,just throw it on and rub all the colors together ,nothing is unique it all blended to nothing .