New Paladin Races Plz

I’m just waiting for Undead Paladins.

I don’t even care if there’s a visual engulfing in flames every time my character uses a holy spell. Your move, Blizzard.


Kul Tiran pally.

I can’t wait for more paladin options. I often go back to this collection of different race concepts. I love the idea of kul tiran paladins being from the order of embers, fighting with silver and liquid fire.

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Race/class restrictions just need to go, period. Lore-based restrictions never made sense to me, as if a character in this fantasy world couldn’t “buck the system” and go down a path their race traditionally eschewed, decried, or outlawed.

“Whom The Light calls, it calls.”

From a 3d modeling perspective the mounts should be relatively easier to do. I mean…how many mounts does the mount tab have right now? how many times do they just reskin an existing mount? take a hyena put some armor plating and a glow on it Vulpera paly mount! a gnome with a “holy mechastrider” wouldn’t make sense so just give it the dwarf paly treatment and give them a horse (or a pony since we’re talking about gnome palys). Its relatively easier because each race just needs one mount and we know that Blizz can crank out mounts like crazy. But each race needs how many druid forms? unless of course they give it the nelf/tauren treatment where nelf druid has dark blue skin shades and tauren has desert skin shades and horns.

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I feel that Goblins, Gnomes, and Mechagnomes may become Paladins through solar power. They channel magic from the sun to wield light magic. Maybe make their mounts have solar panels on them.

When they gave night elves mage was when I stopped caring about who gets what. Here I thought the entire reason balance druid was a thing was because they refused to go totally arcane. In all that time I’ve really developed my ability to just not care even if some people will make some asinine combos.

But then I think with theme and racial all LFD should be paladins or maybe holy priests (blacksmithing racial as well as heritage seems to plant them firmly in paladin). Making them warlocks is the obvious wait wat but making them a rogue or a dk is really just as bad. And we could already do that.

So I just can’t drum up enough, I don’t know, whatever, to give a crap about this. I just hope when they give the last three classes away they make cool racially consistent forms/totems/mounts. Bonus if they can fit a racial ghost wolf on the shaman.