New Overwatch lore [Spoilers]

I will not give up! :angry:

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Maybe it needs to scroll slowly? I could see it possibly having some function where it can tell whether you were on a post long enough to read the contents.

Holding the down arrow works.

This can’t be right.

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Here is what one of the MVPs wrote.

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There is, naturally, no possible way for this to have unintended consequences.


Verily, it is to lawl. I just take it as a given at this point that forum rules and the enforcement thereof are mostly a roundabout vehicle for petty harassment.

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You annoyed someone, they went trawling through your post history looking for something reportable, and a moderator skimmed the report and tapped buttons without paying much attention.

The system works!

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I very rarely appeal but this time i did because four weeks yeesh.

No dice.

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Put in another request via regular ticket. Sometimes folks reading appeals have their customer service brain on and glaze over things out of context.

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I probably should shut up about it.

I like to live dangerously (Stupid)

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Your ban is over. There isn’t much they are going to do(or care) about it.

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Only ban I’ve ever gotten was for saying the Warcraft movie was crap. I didn’t even curse or name call or anything but when I disputed it, I got the response that it could be interpreted as being insensitive to people who enjoyed the movie and that could be interpreted as trolling.

The enchanting questline in Legion has lesbian night elves

I’ve lost count of the number of times I thought “oh gosh this is too spicy someone’ll get mad and flag me”, but nothing happens because I’m not cool enough to get that kind of response.


But that would require them to actually care about properly moderating their community instead of leaving it to stupid bots.


I got an unfair auto-ban overturned that way once. And I only had to challenge it four times in a row!



Edited for reasons.

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Just for the record if you’re having a bad day or are in a bad mood think about this.

I just woke up. Groggy and sore. Opened my door to answer the call of nature and stepped squarely into a puddle of dog piss from my grandparents “rescue” (It’s a blind and deaf yappy dog.)

This caused me to slip and slam back first onto the stone floor of my room.

So you know at least you’re not me right now.