I’d like to see new options added for Orc faces. All the Orc male options have them all looking so angry and wrinkly. Some ‘happy’ Orc face options would be nice so Kaz here doesn’t look so ticked off all the time.
Honestly, that’s one thing that annoys me about the male faces in general (there’s a few races that are exceptions, like blood elves and draenei – which shared faces to begin with anyway). There’s a bajillion wrinkled, grumpy wizened angry faces with warts and moles and then maybe, if you’re luck, one Fabio face that doesn’t map well.
I want a menacing evil Orc smile added.
We need eyebrows available on male Orc characters. Cutscene and art Orcs can have them but in game only Orc ladies get them.
Also more hair options.
I’d like to see belf/velf reworked into high elves. but we aint gettin that sadge.
As a grumpy male I feel represented and enjoy it
The change the OP suggested needs to happen across the board for the male variation for each race - too often the only expression available to them is an angry or scowling face and it is very limiting.
There’s really no excuse not to have a variety of facial expression types: angry, neutral, smiling.
Some eyebrows would be great… don’t see why thrall gets nice ones but players get none.
Or the humans that look like they come straight out of Westfall.