Hello everyone,
I don’t use to write on these forums, even more in English, but I think this is an special moment to make this solicitude (excuse me beforehand for my English skills).
It turns out that a very important member of the spanish (Spain and Latam) community has passed away yesterday. Her name ingame was Nitzia from realm Exodar (EU). Her husband whose ingame name is Hofkari (on the same realm) is absolutely devastated for all this situation. Both of them are owners of the YouTube channel HandsOfFaithExodar, where they made too many mount guides (in spanish of course). They are amazing people and many of us (spanish community) really love that couple <3
My very humble request is addressed to Blizzard for they create a tribute NPC for this amazing person that has passed away.
Thanks for reading me and see you on Azeroth
Avuunita / Náiluj