New night elf capital

Youre bold assuming Blizzard will remember the new tree after this expansion. Though I think that speaks more on another problem with WoW’s storytelling: It expects us to have short memories.

“We were enemies then but now we’re buddies” because that’s the new plot and not resolving 30\40 plus years of conflict. “We apologized for buring the tree and it was so long ago so we’re good.” Sword? What sword? etc, etc.

You’re not allowed to hold a grudge or even expect continuity because if you spend even a second reflecting on the past of the setting or characters you’re left behind because that’s not the story they want to tell in the moment.

So I think your tree will be fine. Though I’m going to camp around there with a lit cigar and matches because “lol what consequence?”


It does feel a bit of whiplash in all honesty. Even with Bel’Ameth and Amirdrassil being apart of the Capitol City. With it being apart of the Dragonflight expansion it’ll be entirely disconnected from the world of Kalimdor, and because of it its chances of being ignored are marginally higher compared to any other capital city. The entire zone, though pretty, still lacks the feeling that Darnassus had; being apart of simple villages instead of the cultural aesthetic of melding ancient ruins of their ancestors and their new syncretic style.

It also feels more off that the Fourth War, which markedly had the most tragedies compared to any other, was given turnabout to “We’re all friends now.” when such things should obviously last longer. The Nelves, Orcs, Humans, Zandalari, Trolls, Forsaken, Blood Elves, even have the worst of it to be going after the other’s throat for everything that’s happened. Instead it’s… ignored. Like an elephant in the room.

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I do remember in Cataclysm, that the Horde made a Portal between Orgrimmar and the Dragonmaw Clan’s first outpost by using Elemental components and energies, so it may be possible for these ‘Portals’ to the Kaldorei’s former/current territories are running off of the ‘Divine’ magic of Elune instead, or powered by the energies of the Emerald Dream.

We did get that one line from the Forsaken-retake-Lordaeron questline with Cauliflower and CO. that all of the Primal Powers can be used to do the same things, its just easier to use them for specific things.

I don’t like that Bel’ameth is so far removed from Kalimdor, but I do appreciate it offers the Kaldorei so much safety. They’re right next door to their most venerable allies (even if they, along with the Wild Gods, did jack-all to save the Kaldorei in their darkest hour, but the Wild Gods might have been told to stay away by Elune …), they’re significantly removed from their rivals, they’re right next door to the Emerald Dream in a very literal sense so they can just funnel their people into the Dream if pressed and, post the Battle-for-Azeroth expansion, almost all the natural resources in Darkshore have been expended and the land is ravaged, not only by the war between the Forsaken and the Kaldorei, but also by Deathwing’s visit, the Twilight Hammer Cults and the Naga invasions.

Taking back Darkshore is a pyrrhic victory at best. Ashenvale certainly is a good home for their people but its still infested with Demons, Satyr, Fel-corrupted Furbolgs and now Old God corruption. The Kaldorei grip on the ‘rest’ of their territories, Stonetalon, Desolace and Feralas, was tenuous at best even before the Battle for Azeroth, with a handful of outposts that could barely support themselves and garrisoned by skeleton crews of Sentinels and whose supply lines went right through Horde territory or regions infested with relentlessly hostile centaurs, gnolls, harpies and worse.

The Kaldorei have been in decline for 10,000 years, and have been taking L’s the whole time because of their ‘Duty’ of protecting the Well of Eternity and their refusal to accept their ‘claim’ to Kalimdor ended when their society Sundered the planet. They were militantly against the Arcane, mistakenly believing that the Arcane alone was what drew the Legion to Azeroth and that if nobody used it ever again, the Demons would not be able to find Azeroth a second time … but then they joined hands with the Alliance, full of Mages and Warlocks, and then as they continued to take L’s for years after that until they allowed Mages back into their society just to try and hold back Garrosh’s version of the Horde.

This nearly led to a purge of Teldrassil as a result due to Maiev being entirely unhinged and having a massive number of Wardens and Kaldorei agreeing with her that all Mages, and all those who supported them, had to die to ‘purify’ the Kaldorei and make Elune smile on them again.

The Kaldorei need to have a safe place, removed from everyone else’s :ox::poop:, to stop, heal, rebuild their society to be less hypocritical and held together through trauma and martyrdom and figure out what they are meant to do, and who they want to be, now that protecting the Well of Eternity is no longer their burden to bear. To accept that their ‘Empire’ ended 10,000 years ago and that now, they’re no more and no less than any other race on Azeroth and to let go (as much as anyone can) of the trauma of their past. There’s freedom in that, that they can no choose to be something more than grim sentinels in ancient forests, that the burden of atoning for what their people did 10,000 years ago no longer weighs them down, that they can try to be a people again.

Edit: I just realised something.

All of the Kaldorei’s former/current territories are in a bad place. Resources expended or filled with enemies.

Ameredrizzle and Bel’ameth are the only safe harbor on the Dragon Isles for Trade now. The small docks we have in The Waking Shores is infested with feral Proto-Drakes and Djaradin Giants. The Fishing Village of Iskaara is certainly accessible, but filled with Rot-worshipping Gnolls right above this region as well as multiple colonies of hostile Gorlocs, and the ocean is full of drifting ice-chunks and micro-glaciers that could sink a ship easily in bad weather.

The Kaldorei are about to become the sole ‘safe’ harbor into the Dragon Isles with Bel’ameth being not only a safe harbor but far more accessible to the Dragon Isles from Kalimdor or the Eastern Kingdoms from a position standpoint. That is a lot of tariffs and merchants coming into their lands, a lot of wealth, political influence and favors to be gathered and used in the future.

This may be, long term, the beginning of a new Kaldorei Empire without the xenophobia and imperialism of their old society, and tempered with Bel’ameth’s connection to both Life and Death and being a direct conduit for Azeroth’s will, given it empowered the six Draconic Aspects with versions of its own power, this could put the Kaldorei into a position of great influence over both the Alliance and Horde.


^ I agree.

Speaking purely from an in-game strategic standpoint, isn’t having Amirdrassil where it is advantageous? Better than where Teldrassil was, for sure.

Founding your new capital on an island that’s home to battle-capable, magical dragons that are friendly to you and anti-war on in their house is a smart move, no?

If you’d lost your capital and were forced to resettle, then you’d want to give a chunk of consideration to defensibility, I’d assume. The Dragon Isles—especially from a Night Elf perspective—seems to tick a lot of boxes when it comes to defence; and even more when it comes to the ability to keep peace and protect a happy way of life.

Keep your holdings on Kalimdor—fight for them, for sure—but your capital, where the bulk of your people live, keep it far away, I say; and preferably next to dragons who love you and would fight to defend you.

Seems smart to me.

The past Hordes have been crazy, no doubt—and a future Horde will be crazy again, I’m sure—but will they be crazy—nay, dumb enough—to mount a frontal offensive—like the War of Thornes was—on an ISLAND full of dragons?

Good luck.

I am glad the Night Elves now have a secure place to call home. Side point, but I wish Dalaran would have the same thing, too… but the Kirin Tor seem hell bent on sending their city full of innocent people into most major battlefronts. If I was a citizen of Dalaran, I’d be wanting to vote-out the Kirin Tor fast haha


The best and worst portal in the game was Jaina’s portal to the Org throne room to speak with Thrall and all the chat discussions during that entire expac that ensued, insinuating they were hooking up.

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So basically we have English Gossip Rags in WoW churning out issue after issue about our major NPCs hooking up, breaking up, feuding or other such rot.

Now imagining Jaina sighing and polymorphing paparazzi in Kul’tiras while she’s out shopping for magical reagents and overloading their cameras with arcane charges, or teleporting them someplace awkward, like the top of a building or into the sewers, for five minutes of privacy.


It literally doesn’t matter. It never does.

The next time the Horde attacks, they’ll simply use the Anti-Dragon Wands they just invented that turn the Dragons into murderous slaves and use it to burn down Amirdrassil again. Baine will have inexplicable access to magical teleporting super soldiers that will just teleport in and go “nothing personnel kid” and strike down Alexstrasza. Then we’ll all act shocked and surprised and all will be forgiven and forgotten by the next patch.


Kinda like founding a capital on an island where any enemy would have to march through a huge forest full of battle-capable magic creatures and wild gods that are friendly to you?

If the devs wanted, it would go right back to “The dragons wouldn’t step in for such mundane reasons as a faction war - they only partnered up like this because the world was in danger”.


I’d be stunned if they went that far and didn’t simply decide that the Dragons had always been pro-Horde and were simply acting in character and never told us.

I have been inspired.

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If the diseased ramblings of my defective grey matter have inspired anything, take it and run. It’s yours now.


I wish they would have turned that into a cinematic. I felt like that forsaken x human reuninion chapters were amazing. I switched from Horde to Alliance because of the humans crying over forsaken bodies and giving them proper burials.

Hey is Darnassian called Belamethian now? xD Given that the language was named after Darnassus, which didn’t actually exist for all that long… Maybe they name it after their capital?


New Capital, who this?




Since that has happened, the Highborne have done an enormous amount for the Kaldorei people. They fought and died like many others in the War of Thorns, not to mention they are the sole reason so many Kaldorei survived the Burning of Teldrassil. Mages fainted and died from holding portals open so long.

I think they paid their dues. Mordent and Maiev even fought side by side in Darkshore.

It’s possibly a matter of interpretation. From where I’m sitting, change happens slowly. Opinions change slowest of all. Ten thousand years of entrenched tradition would be difficult to overcome. We certainly see that with our own world; dominant beliefs of previous eras may not remain dominant, but nor do they disappear easily.

Is it true this is going to be a neutral city? Horde appear to be able to enter and interact with NPCs without an issue on PTR.