That’s what I’d been hoping for all expansion, honestly. Poof the island into being where Teldrassil used to be
ive seen some hilariously bad takes
also I confirmed on PTR, horde can go to the new night elf city and even purchase a darnassus tabard.
my undead is gonna be like, “How do you do fellow night elves!”
anyway i hope that they really flesh out the location, it’s very cool addition and it’s awesome to see the end result of our actions in the game for once. i just hope it’s not under construction/newly settled perpetually until the end of time.
Also mostly from content creators, but if Midnight is to bring forward a Northern Eastern Kingdoms update, Gilneas should definitely be in line to get it’s Glow Up for it.
Wow. Factions are basically irrelevant already.
Speaking as a once avid Nelf rper myself, I am at worst mildly annoyed. The Night Elves establishing a new home outside of their homeland, the land they were colloquially sworn to protect, at this point feels like another in the various monkey’s paw coded gestures of what some interpret as love from the devs. The actual place looks very nice and there was seemingly some effort placed into establishing it. I imagine it’ll make a great rp spot once released.
Addendum: At the very least the narrative won’t be kicking my own Kalimdor based characters out, which is minorly comforting.
Overall, I am ambivalent. I feel as though I’ve grown too jaded to fully embrace the good and thus, I am unable to appreciate Bel’ameth for more than its aesthetics. I simply can no longer bring myself to care enough anymore.
Mind you, while I do consider myself a Night Elf fan, I’m nearly just as big of a Pandaren and Death Knight fan, and I imagine this deviance of fanaticism may affect my disposition.
…I also think there was a wasted opportunity to turn Amirdrassil into Warcraft Falinesti.
Omg! That’d be sick!
I was hoping the Kaldorei would resettle officially on Hyjal, under the roots of Nordrassil. There are already a few NPCs and a building there, but so much room to build a thriving new capital there.
As I do not know Nelf lore as much as nearly anyone else, I still feel like WHY ON EARTH WOULD THIS NOT BE THE THING THEY DID?
Cata is long since over as an expac, so it’s mostly irrelevant at this point. Yes, Horde and Alliance both have access to the area but there are so few starting quests in the ‘fish bowl’ starting area where the capital portals are.
Have the Nelves go in and take it. Make a questline where Horde is forced to understand they are being kicked out due to the fact that you know, they burnt down the other tree and slaughtered thousands of innocents. Give the Nelves a win. Give them Nordrassil.
Move the Horde starting portal to just outside that area, along with the Horde starting quests for Cata/Hyjal and be done with it.
I think the Nelves deserve a home in their homeland.
And, there was some quest text after the burning that indicated nelves had started to settle more in the area. Or was it in a novel…
I feel like I’m lukewarm on Bel’Ameth for a number of reasons.
And one of them is honestly that I don’t trust this new, cuddly, we-swear-we-won’t-have-any-more-scandals Blizzard. Because nothing has actually changed in Blizzard’s storytelling ethos. The content is toothless baby food, but the rotten method of storytelling is still there.
I know we’re going to lose Bel’Ameth at some point. It’ll be burned down to prove the next bad guy is so bad. It’ll be taken over by Old Gods to prove the Old Gods are so bad. It’ll be invaded by the Horde when stocks dip too low and they have to pivot hard back to old Warcraft away from baby food.
And even if it isn’t, there won’t be anything special about it. The Horde can just trot into this one as they please and no one’s mentioning anything. The Blue Dragonflight quests had us go back to Theramore and never once acknowledged the Horde dropped the Mana Bomb. Blizzard may be making baby food now, but it’s still up to its old, terrible tricks of not doing the hard work of actually making a story.
Teldrassil was for Night Elves. Bel’Ameth is simply content.
I mean, they still have the world tree in Hyjaal, which they spent several thousand more years in than Teldrassil. They are also still in Ashenvale and Feralas and technically won back and are repairing Darkshore.
Night elves still have kalimdor, they just also have a new capital city and a new world tree and an anchor to the planet that they’ve NEVER had, actually. Before they were doing what was asked of them to protect the Titan’s best interest. And Teldrassil was just a makeshift home, they were there barely longer than the Worgen were.
Also the new city has portals to the night elf lands in kalimdor.
It was in the Shadowlands prelude novel, I believe
Even this is borderline insulting given that night elf society has had a strong aversion to arcane magic for the better part of ten thousand years. They only shifted their stance on that one in Cataclysm, and there were literally murders over it
You want to go to the rest of the night elf realm? Gotta oppose literal millennia of deeply entrenched cultural norms to do so.
Not to mention that the logistics of having your capital city on the other side of the world from the rest of your territories. Madness.
Yeah, but you’re getting into that tricky philosophical territory where you need to remember that novel content is ignorable 99% of the time.
Canon is canon imo. Personally I have no problems with an extended universe and even rather enjoy reading the books.
But even if you ignore Maiev’s murder spree (which got a passing, if dismissive mention in legion) and all other book canon, the disdain for magic is evident in Warcraft 3. Classic WoW adds to this by presenting the Kaldorei denying access to the Eldre’thalas Highborne on the basis of their magic use, where Mordent Evenshade is told not to even THINK of sucking on Moonwell energy to feed his dumb magic addiction. I can’t remember the exact wording but this concept is canon even if you ignore the books entirely
Maiev should return to murder some people again. I think she’s neat
If a canon falls in the forest and no one’s around to hear it, then it’s just fanfiction.
Eh, disagree. There’s numerous ways to experience official world of warcraft lore. You can do it without playing the game, in theory. In fact I know someone who reads the books but doesn’t play the game xD Doesn’t make it any less official. It’s still world of warcraft lore. And it’s not like it’s hard to access this stuff even if you hate reading for some reason - Nobbel and other youtubers usually do a full synopsis of every lore book that comes out.
But as that’s not really related to this topic imma leave it there. I stand by my assertion that the new night elf capital’s location outside of Kalimdor and so far removed from it, with MAGIC portals to Kalimdor, is borderline insulting to the Kaldorei RP community, and I believe this can be proved no matter what subjective views we hold on the nature of canon and how it ought to be made manifest.
The Shadowlands prelude novel was actually really fun because, while it was a story, none of the outcomes were world changing. It was a standalone story with no HUGE baring on the in-game world.
Compared to BFA prelude novel, and the whole human-forsaken massacre that happened, which was kind of really important but never seen in-game.
The only Warcraft book I read was Illidan. I don’t remember too much about it but there was a bit where some warden soldiers complain about Zangarmarsh spores getting all up in their armor and causing skin afflictions and I did enjoy this outland elf rash lore a lot