One time I Submitted a suggestion to make The Forsaken a Neutral Faction.

I have seen that many of my suggestions are now visible.
(As it was on stopping raising the Level Cap and just create others forms to make your characters stronger, and it happened and worked perfectly).

It would be cool; It would be great if “THE FORSAKEN” become a new NEUTRAL faction.

“Allow One-Time-Choose for everyone to switch to the New Faction, “The Forsaken”. It could be a great In-Game improvement.”


They should have always been another faction from the beginning. WoW should have been a 4 faction game, with Horde, Alliance, Scourge, and Night Elves. Just like WC3.



I’ve been thinking :thinking:

If the elves all collectively decided to leave the Alliance and Horde to for a new “Dominion” of the five playable elf kinds out there: 1) Kaldorei, 2) Son’dorei, 3) Ren’dorei, 4) Shal-dorei, 5) Quel’dorei I think thar it would be so much easier for faction identity for all players involved.

You would have the :heart: red side, the :blue_heart: blue side and now the :green_heart: green side. Horde, Alliance, Dominion.


But most of those elven races are the “good” guys.

Where will the Sylvanas is goddess, evil elves go now that they dont have the Orcs and Forsaken to give them their evil rep?

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That would mean like, 80% of the population would all be in one faction then lol. People like to crap on elves, but they’re the most popular race(s) in the game!

New Faction, “The Forsaken”, NEUTRAL. this is my sugggestion

Same with Harry Styles

The core faction identity would be easier to catch onto and understand both Alliance and Horde.

Certainly for the Dominion

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Dominion of elf races?

Looks like you got some eso mixed in with your WoW.


Forsaken, Night Elf, and Blood Elf should have always been neutral factions


Has to be a faction title that carries weight. Horde sounds warlike. Alliance sounds coordinated defensive. Dominion just sounds tough.

The Dominion has no domain. Between those five races they would control like two cities.

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Make new continents. Drain the oceans. Plenty of land then :stuck_out_tongue:

Ill agree on Forsaken and NIght elf, but it would have been incredibly easy to put the High / Blood elves back on the alliance.

I mean if Tyrande can got suer no retribution, Blood Elves can.
If Genn can forgive the Forsaken, Blood Elves can forgive the humans that were not even a part of the kingdom of human that were mean to them.

If the Blood Elves can forgive the Former Scourge now called the Forsaken, they can forgive the same humans above…

Edit - I could see 4 factions.

Night Elves & Worgen (including allied race variations)
Forsaken and Blood Elves (including allied race variations)
Alliance (leftovers)
Horde (leftovers)

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What you did here. I see it.

Although maybe the dominion would be a lovely shade of :yellow_heart:

Leader voiced by Kate Beckinsale, perhaps.


Gold is too ostentatious. Green :green_heart: has many shades of coolness.

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I really wouldn’t mind being part of a separate faction, so long as I get to keep Lordaeron.

That’s crazy alot of the likes on OP are characters with no posts on the forums and/or are in the same guild as OP :thinking:


DS9 flashbacks Something extra funny about the races who dominate transforming being a part of that.