New N’Zoth whispers in Dragonflight

Every whisper hasn’t come true
What were the boy king’s lies?

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only one has been told, bound by that throne? no free… FREE!!!

That’s a strange way of saying “The Old Gods get completely offed in the opening raid like some irrelevant C-grade chumps, such that they’re completely absent for most of the expansion, and then the rest of the expansion is focused on the Void Lords, Zereth Umbra, and some other unrelated threats.”

The mischaracterization is in calling it “an Old God expansion” when it will entirely be “the Void Lords expansion.”

Not really the way I thought of it, but depending on the individual I suppose it’s a relatively subjective view. Also, the old gods were created by the void lords so … A Void lord expansion including old gods or vise versa wouldn’t be so far fetched? :man_shrugging:

By that logic ‘Legion’ was a mischaracterisation upon the factor we had an Emerald Nightmare raid which wasn’t Legion focussed, or the fact that since we finished on a ‘defeating various titans’ note, so “It wasn’t just the burning legion expansion it was a titans expansion.”

On the ‘grading’ subject — Although it’s been said the void lords originally saw the old gods as mere tools “A means to an end” – It’d be rather intriguing to see the old gods gain some autonomy in grasping that and decide to push their own agenda of summoning the void lords to absorb their power (and not the other way around). So as I said — If they utilise clever writing: They could make it work.

That being stated, the old gods we know of aren’t the only old gods. There’s plenty throughout the cosmos - some of which have conquered & enveloped entire worlds. They’d have lots of content material to make it work as them being the long-going core theme, along with having loads of content material to unleash many MANY other ideas - if they simply did research on their own lore and used their heads abit.

Legion spent the majority of the time fighting the Legion. As such, the Void Lord expansion will be so-called for that same reason. That’s all that’s required to not be disingenuous: a majority of the time. You’re arguing the exact opposite of what you think you are here, sit a moment and catch up.

The Old Gods are hinted at as possibly not even having consciousness separate from the Void Lords. They may just be avatars or bodies. Regardless, the Void Lords are so infinitely powerful as to be unable to enter reality itself. The Old Gods are less than bacterium by comparison, so I don’t really know what you’re talking about, to be honest.

Legitimately wondering: did you read Chronicle?

too many to count if Wrathion

Five lies will he offer you.

Not really. You’d just need to apply the expansion’s core theme fighting off forces of the old gods. Which would be a simple fix really.

I feel all I’m really “arguing” with is as I said - A very subjective or “What if” view / take. Take a breath, sip some tea - Take your own advice: Sit a moment & catch up.

Although perhaps I’m being harsh & both of us simply misread or misunderstood eachother earlier - if that’s the case, my sincere apologies - I overstepped. However if not, then well … As we were. :joy:

Take a moment to read what I said earlier in the comment you quoted me from –

Which is quite literally from the Chronicles series that you jester in asking if I’ve read.

To shed some light to you upon that, quite literally from the source itself —
:diamonds: “The void lords did not know which worlds contained slumbering titan spirits. Thus they pooled their power and hurled dark creatures throughout the physical universe hoping some would smash into a world-soul. An unknown number of the void lords’ creations hurtled through the Great Dark. They contaminated mortal worlds and everything else they touched in their blind search for a nascent titan. In time these wicked beings would come to be known as the Old Gods.

If you got the book and doubt it, you can turn a page & see – It’s within the section of ‘The Void Lords and the Birth of the Old Gods’ in page 21 of ‘Chronicles Volume I

its only three lies.

it’s five torches to light our path.

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Yes, but this isn’t going to happen, that’s my point. The focus will be fighting the Void Lord forces, and any Old God related stuff is most definitely going to be done and over before the 0.1 patch. My entire point is that I’m fully rejecting the bolded text entirely, because the expansion theme is not going to be about fighting off the Old God’s forces. Anything Old God related will most definitely constitute less than 50% of the expansion.