New Murloc Pet - Glimr

New pet to collect, a baby murloc named Glimr. Reward from the final quest in a chain. Start on an iceberg in Grizzly Hills (18.4 88.2). Happy collecting!


I don’t normally do battle pet stuff, so that was a fun little change of pace for me.

If you have the artifact fishing pole, don’t forget about the shark swim form - it will come in handy when you need to go into the fatigue zones.

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Went to 18.88 and found nothing. Just other people standing there.

The Glimmerfin Scout that starts the whole thing off only spawns once every 5 minutes or so. But the scale that he drops lasts long enough for everybody nearby to grab the quest.

I just got the quest!

I have seen people drop the condensed ocean toy on top of the scales…

Yes, there were some griefers there on my server too - large mounts, spell effects, anything they could pull out that might interfere with visibility or clicking on the scale. Didn’t see the ocean, though, guess nobody had thought of that one yet.

Don’t know if I was doing something wrong, but couple of the quests in the chain are brutal if you’re a Feral or Guardian Druid. Their abilities just don’t work, no idea why.

I’m having a hard time getting the items on one of the quests without getting fatigued. I’m already using my underwater mount. I just can’t pick it up and get out of there before dying.

I died twice during the quest chain - once from fatigue, once from the electrified seaweed. If I had remembered to use my artifact fishing pole I probably could have avoided the fatigue death.

I died 4 times, but I have one usable hand for playing.

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sat here for 5 hrs unable to pickup the quest scale due to sooo many ppl here blocking it.
also no matter where i stand the scale isnt lootable.
its a disaster on my server

Glimr has disappeared from my pet journal. Has this happened to anyone else?

Still in my journal, leveled to 25.

Thank you, I got the pet. To people seeking the pet, some advice.
There is a scale. I couldn’t click on this, what I clicked on was a quest exclamation mark, the yellow ! This gave me the starter quest. Seemed like it would spawn about every 10min. and would de-spawn after maybe 5 min
I died once due to inattention and fatigue. Didn’t notice I was dying, lol.
What it is, is eventually I had to get some items. These items were in deep water, off the continental shelf. Go off the shelf= Fatigue zone.
So, the items were in plain sight. I just got as close as I could, mounted my turtle, and went straight and fast to the item, and back just as quick. And I did one item at a time. Don’t try to swim this, use an underwater mount, or Druid-form, or the underlight angler thing. Careful around the glittery long fronds of sea weed, they shock. Good luck.


Did it on my feral druid. Exhaustion parts were a snap. The only part that was a challenge at first were the crabs. From travel form, would zap with moonfire then finish them off in feral mode. I had to pick off loners as the groups would swarm and overwhelm me. I did see lots of guardian druids handle the groups though.

If you have the Blue Punch Card called Supplemental Oxygenation Device for the Pocket Sized Computation Device you get from doing quests out on on Mech. That helps you with the underwater breathing. It slows it down, and a good thing in case you run out of breathing pots. ALSO watch out when swimming around the electrified seaweed, one zap can take you down to 1/2 health.