We are explaining what’s actually going on to him and he’s just going NUH UH and trying to say things blizz has never actually said but are only his opinion as blizz sanctioned facts.
I stated, you cannot have 40 druids cast starfall at the same time without software involvement.
Unless you strung a stick to the keys and pressed the stick. In which case Blizzards TOS talks about, in the past as a form of automation. Nor would they believe you were doing that anyway.
Can you define your use of trolling? I’m not … trolling I’m serious. I always see that word thrown around and my definition of it (which I got from urbandictionary ) is to intentionally try to upset people but a lot of the time I don’t think what’s being said falls into that category so I’m curious how you are using it.
If you want to stay ignorant to reality I’m not going to bother with you after this.
You can use a multiplexer to split/clone the signal from a keyboard to a computer and have each “input” go to a different KVM (that’s a virtual machine) running on a single computer. That’s a hardware input broadcaster.
Bot don’t need to use hardware keyboard inputs to work, but its can still mimic a keyboard input. You can clone that input across multiple clients to have a “master” client using the botting software and the “slave” clients just cloning those inputs.
How would you ban people caught by warden using hardware? Do you expect blizz to pay a bazillion GMs to baby sit and watch hundreds or thousands if not millions of people play?
I can set my laptops wireless mouse/keyboard to connect to any number of PCs. One click and all PCs would respond. If I were to pick up 40 PCs with bluetooth connectivity I could use one mouse and one keyboard to run them all simultaneously.
Could do the same with a splitter and my wired KB/Mouse.