New Movie review?

Anyone else seen the ‘Don’t Look Up’ parody? What did you think?
I think they took all the ‘robo scan’ of the internet algorithms and created a ‘movie’ parody. Tell me what you think? How many movies of the past can you name?

Movie parody:
Armaggeddon, Deep Impact, 2012, Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Highlights Reel, … all wrapped up… what would be the difference in an ‘asteroid’ fear plan hitting the earth or a ‘planneddemic’ virus of fear that will coerce you to accept a jab that you have no idea what is in it? Did they tell you the ingredients?
No difference of fear of an asteroid or a ‘virus’… find out.

Saw it couple nights ago. I liked it. The satire was subtle but very sharp and skewering, at first. Toward the end, it became more blatant what the movie was doing, which IMO dulled the satirical edge, but not enough to change my overall appreciation of the film.

I thought Jennifer Lawrence’s character – especially her “I can’t believe how these people are reacting!” responses – was especially engaging.

I also liked the dude trying to shoot the comet down.

As I’ve often said: humans are not rational, not by default. We are emotional-visual creatures that can be rational, if we make the effort of will. But generally, we don’t do this. Most of the time, when we think we’re being rational, we are really rationalizing our emotions.

Put another way, the primary function of a belief system is to make one feel knowledgeable and safe. If it also jives with actual facts, all the better. If it doesn’t, then facts be damned.

IMHO, the movie was a satisfactory demo of these dynamics, especially as relating to current times.


Sadly, I can see the scenario in the movie playing out exactly like that in real life.


Yes, I agree, your insightful analysis. The movie really does convey how ‘social media’ has entrained us especially with ‘emotion’. It was quite interesting to say the least.

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I thought it was rubbish. Had a few good moments but it was a mess. Dialogue was decent but you could tell the jokes were written by a bunch of dudes sitting around a table. Jonah hill played Jonah hill.

One of the decent parts was kid cudi and grandè singing about dying.

3/10 wouldn’t even watch it if I were drunk.

That gal’s got some set of pipes, no question.

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I thought it was hilarious.

I especially loved the ending with what happens to Meryl Streep.

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