New Moonkin Forms?

So guys, with the new Emerald Dream-ish patch – Who believes there should be new Moonkin forms for druids?? :thinking:

They kinda got sidelined in Legion out of new forms, so them getting some now wouldn’t be all so bad. :sweat_smile:

Lore: Well you got a whole tonne of bird Loa & Wild Gods, along with the new Loa (Former Wild God) — Q’onzu who’s a loa of change (…and Aviana is not a fan of, lol)


"Don’t get me started on that good-for-nothing owl! Refusing our call to assist against the Druids of Flame is not the first time they have shown cowardace in the face of evil. They claim that their domain requires them to stay out of such conflicts, but notice how conveniently their choices always lead to their own comfort.

Surely they’re up to their old tricks again. I’m still trying to figure out who allowed them back into the Dream!

I do not wish to speak about Q’onzu any longer. Begone from me, mortal!"

Q’onzu could probably express a ‘Drama Free Form’ that dulls down the stars effect or Boomy form, to make you look like you’re just in humanoid form to show off your transmogs + their colours better :yum: (Maybe just with tiny spectral birds flying around you, to show you’re in the right form).

Anyway, for some intriguing ideas for some new Boomkin forms what concepts would you wanna see? :thinking:

  • Fire-Boomy (Nose-Touch reference to Druids of the Flame, or simply blessed by primal fire / otherwise)
  • Lunar-Boomy (with lunar runes glowing around the Boomkin)
  • Seasonal (A form depicting features of each season)

or perhaps Boomkin with different bird-features, of different species & kinds? Such as –

  • Eagle
  • Falcon
  • Parrot
  • Flamingo
  • Kingfisher
  • Kookaburra

And so on? There’s lots of concepts for inspiration towards the customisation of the Moonkin / Boomkin Forms :grin:

What new features & forms upon Moonkin would YOU wanna see? :smiley:

There were some new models and colorizations datamined. Including a fiery moonkin.I think they were mentioned in the developer overview as well.

There were not different animals though.

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I wish we could have a glyph to be a Dryad/Centaur instead of a Moonkin (although w the new Dryad and Centaur models…idk if I do wish for that)

At the very least I’d love more Glyph of Stars type options

I’ve seen Boomkins referred to as laser chickens but there are no actual forms that resemble a chicken shooting lasers. That needs to change.

Congratulations. Wish granted. More fat chickens. But no new Glyph of Stars colorations. :slightly_frowning_face:


Having several customisations of various birds would be great for the RP community. You could RP as a follower of a Loa and granted their boon (Like the Akil’zon boss in Zul’Aman). :yum:

The Kookaburra customisation (or heck, a Kookaburra Wild God / Loa) would be a great shoutout to the Aussies :heart:

The –

→ customisations I mentioned! :partying_face:

However would still be keen for more :grin:

Fun fact: the Kookaburra is a Kingfisher. :slightly_smiling_face:


Well… I’ve got good news for you

Yeah, but figured using just ‘Kingfisher’ it’d be shoehorned into the Common Kingfisher or the Belted Kingfisher.

Getting various creatures of different countries & kingdoms around the world recognised (Whether as Wild Gods, Loa or merely referenced in other ways) is another form of good inclusivity that provides some pride & shout-out to other people around the world. :grin:

Would love me some Kookaburra content. :partying_face: :australia:

I want more. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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