New monk races incoming

Yeah but you are playing a race with the LEAST amount of lore…


Sadly yes, but their racial aesthetic fits me the best so here we are.

You are not making an argument for or against lore. Any race can be a monk so long as they can harness their body, mind, and spirit.

It’s like saying blood elves shouldn’t get warriors because they have spellbreaker.

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I just want gnomes with the worgen curse

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I’m not trying to argue against it. Merely asking why some races would want to pursue it.

There is no lore that suggest any of these races can’t be a monk.

I am however interested to see how they do this for all the starting zones since that was what was primarily preventing these 3 from being a monk to begin with since time locked scenarios. Worgen and Goblin can at least do exiles reach which solves that problem but LFD’s can’t.

This may be the best thing that’s ever happened. Ever. Worgen monks will be the best.


Why wouldn’t everyone want monk training. Always have a highly skilled body is useful for anyone

I guess I’ll see myself out then, since I make no sense! :cry:

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Did you know different people have different interests?
Crazy, I know.


Any Monk other than Pandaren still feels incongruous to me, regardless.

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The original lore was that being a Monk required inner peace. Worgen were constantly at odds with a curse, whereas Goblins were always universally driven by chaos and/or greed. I assume the Lightforged logic was that they already answered to a higher power.

Shaky logic, but it was always there for Worgen and Goblins.

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Yeah but the entire worgen starting zone squashes that argument.

Regardless, that was the argument that came in blue.

Like Worgen Druids were ‘Harvest Witches’ before they turned, Worgen Monks would be called ‘Pugilists’ (because Britain has a history of boxing) before running into a Pandaren that joined the Elves to officially brand them ‘Monks’.

Void elf paladinos next!!!


That is true, and for arguments sake this applied to other races for monk as well.

Humans were known to be practicing martial arts within the scarlet crusade way before Pandaria happened and Draenei had a form of combat called Jed’hin that was lost on argus and didn’t resurface until Legion which questioned me why LFD’s weren’t given monks to begin with.

I have an extra human paladin ready to race change when this happens :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Goblin monk? WTAF

What? There’s gnome monks. You got fists and legs you can monk. Lol