New Monk main

So far, I’ve been loving windwalker monk. It’s been tons of fun, and i’m looking forward to season 2 of TWW. Definitely a learning curve, but I’m trying my best. Most fun I had in a while on retail.

Just wanted to come here and say that.

  • Judaro

Welcome! Glad you’re having fun :slight_smile:

I like martial arts but I am not that in shape so it’s the closest I can get at the moment :joy:. It’s fun.


Lol same im a master of the way of couch potatoe


Best Class

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Welcome aboard

lmfao best comment ever on these forums


Glad to hear you like. I’m still debating between my long time main Havoc DH or my WW.

Honestly, i had the same debate. I would give ww monk a try. I have been pleasantly surprised how fun it is. It has a nice rhythm to get into, but also is flexable enough to adapt to different situations. And honestly while demon hunter uses choas magic and demon powers.

Monk just strolls in notices all the other classes using powers, weapons, magics. Monk just shrugs, walks up to the dragon and punches him repeadtly in the face…

Takes a swig of his brew, kicks the dragon for good measure and walks back…

Now tell me who is really a hero class ? Lol

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Monk is my new main too. The combat just feels right, not weird at all. Offensive, defensive and healing spells just flow throughout the rotation I should have rolled one a long time ago.

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ive been so nervous to try monk, i think i’ll make one as the dps spec, is the rotation super hard to figure out or it just makes sense?

It’s sort of rhythmic. The mastery means each ability shouldn’t be used sequentially. They need to be alternated.

Once you figure out each of the abilities it ends up feeling like a bit of a dance. It’s a good time, not terribly difficult to understand, but there’s plenty you can do to optimize and play well.

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Welcome aboard