New META to deal with epic premades

As soon as you see its a premade and experienced players validate that it is one, instead of running out and getting rolled & farmed for their amusement, just hide and sit back and report every single player on the premade team until the servers start turning white hot and the ticket system digitally explodes… 40 x 40 = 1,600 reports per epic bg. Then have all your players do it a 2nd, 3rd, and 4th time until the servers are so overloaded they implode… Get it up to like 8,000 reports per game - “cheating”, “taunting other players”, “acting toxic to other players” etc etc etc… Don’t stop… The goal should be to reach 16,000 reports per epic premade… 40 x 40 x 10 until the premades start getting their accounts frozen. Don’t waste your time running around for 45 minutes getting killed over and over again, do something constructive to help the community, go hide and just report every single player on their team over and over and over until the epic ends. Don’t stop until the Blizzard servers are screaming for mercy. That’s how you deal with this ish…


If I see someone afk in the base I am reporting them afk. Help your team or leave.

Then we’ll just start reporting you while you’re rolling us over and over… Why waste time defending ourselves? We’re going to die anyway… You’ll be laughing while camping us in the graveyard and meanwhile, we’ll be typing report after report after report… Until you can no longer login to your frozen account. Premade clowns aren’t going to win this game… although it will, truly, be ‘epic’.


so organising 40 pug players to mass report is preferable over organising them to pvp?

We’re playing objectives, not afking and hiding somewhere. Even when we lose, we fight to the end.

If you’re facing a premade the stupidest thing to do is engage them in a team fight. Honestly? In IOC just turtle in the base, wait for them to breach the gate and then win via kills. I’ve actually organized a group to do this once. Not sure how it would work in AV though.


Definitely. And it will be both glorious and hilarious as all the premaders get locked out of their accounts pending investigations. This is how the little people get the big giant billion dollar company to finally look into the issue.

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I don’t think this is a great idea.

I can name 2-3 horde players (M - lock) (R -Druid) (S - Shammy) who can single handedly lead Horde pugs. They have no pocket healers. They don’t come in with 39 other people. Just plain lead, and it works. They beat alliance syncers just fine.

I also know a silent raid leader who doesn’t even make calls, he just does the objectives like it’s everything. Just by playing support for him and his other dps buddy, you’d win the game. That’s (X - hunter) and (H - priest).

Perhaps in addition to calling for action to report, step up and lead. Ask for a raid lead and make calls. It’s not fun to hide just to report. Fight them but play smart.

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Do I think it’s a great idea? No

Neither is…you just need to try harder!

Bottom line, the cheating needs to stop. Period.


I agree the exploit needs to stop, but at the same time, trying harder isn’t bad. Even if it were to be Blitz EBG, if you suck at the game, you’d still get rolled no matter what.

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The one that needs to try harder is Blizzard. They need to take control of their game back.


The only solution Blizzard is going to implement is cross faction Epics/Randoms - but nothing is going to happen in Dragonflight. I mean, cross faction guilds are coming… so, the obvious next step is Random Battlegrounds. I think the success of Blitz will speed up the process.

Honestly, though - when it does happen… be prepared to end up with some of these premade players on your team - and that’s not a good thing - 97% of them click.

They only win due to the number/healer advantage. I was in a Blitz game and my healer was Honor Level 20… He didn’t throw out a single heal. I only survived because I’m me.

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And I’m still trying to figure out how “cross-faction” is going to solve anything… It will just be the same clowns que-syncing the same premades in coms; but now made even WORSE. YOu’ll have teams that end up like 30 made it into one side and 6 to the other so those 6 will totally screw things up royal for the pug team they’re in and exploit the game to make them lose while laughing in coms with their que-sync teammates on the other side doing all the winning… It will create all kinds of >> NEW PROBLEMS << as every single game, a person on your team mysteriously takes off to the other factions base in Ashran with the AA to be instantly killed to intentionally give them the AA, or isn’t healing anyone, or is giving away your team’s position, intentionally letting them cap a flag, or is killing themselves over & over in Ashran the list is endless. These things will be an epidemic overnight . And that’ll be a real HIT for the already distraught and ready to unsub for good pug teams, they’ll love all that coming at them 100 times per day… All the cross faction will do is open up a whole new can of worms & exploits that will make the game in worse shape than it already is.

All the cross-realm/cross-guild/faction stuff in the world doesn’t do anything for the premade situation… its the que sync timing itself that must be stopped.


I think people won’t want to deal with the hassle as much if they know they won’t necessarily be all grouped on the same team. That said, some people have gotten so addicted to group syncing with 20+ people, and in disc, and just steamrolling over pugs that who knows what they’ll do to satiate the addiction. So again, it would be up to blizz to be on top of any shenanigans.

The other reasons would be queue times and removing merc to favor one faction.


Queue syncing is no good but mass reporting is also no good.

My solution is much simpler. Do not queue and then premades will eventually fight other premades.

That is what happened with RBGs.

Yes that was a common strategy for IoC back during WotLK.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:

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Holding IB choke with a handful of people recalling to base to retake towers and kill stealthers. Only works if we have enough healers, which is a whole other issue.

Turtling has always been the strategy I’ve suggested in chat, but out of spite and making the game as drawn out as possible and giving other horde players a chance to queue into a game without syncers.

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It was and boy did that work well, haha.

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Or….or….maybe not do that and just go out and crush them.

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