New Mage Talent Suggestion: Anti-hunter-grief-zone

new talent suggestion for mage: anti-hunter-grief-zone AGZ (the h is silent):

A dome where you are immune from attacks outside it like rogue’s smoke bomb but you can get clapped within it.

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Personally I’d rather see the Deadzone make a return and then the hilarious meta of mages desperately trying to hug MM hunters the entire match would entertain me endlessly.


so give mages a guardian druid talent?

You already passively have this talent against 90% of the specs in the game.

Mages can’t die no matter how badly they botch mobility / blinks they are free to do whatever they please

I’m so sorry that there is one spec in the entire game that makes you want to log off / isn’t completely free just because you exist


Well you seem I think the mage tool kit is really underwhelming and needs more options.

Idk maybe a mage hot take but I actually think it’s healthy for the game for mage to have something that’s really good at evaporating it. Glass cannon class went multiple expansions feeling incredibly tanky.

I do think that frost mage should have deep freeze back though. Mage having no stun (easily the most useful CC in the game for years now but especially with CC reduction) is not a good thing imo. It locks frost mage into only playing really turtly caster cleaves and frost is either incredibly annoying but relatively untouched at higher levels because it’s a burst spec without an essential burst CD/ability OR the number tuning is too high and mage legitimately just hops around with mobility the rivals a god while spamming instants that can’t be healed through.

If deep came back something would 100% have to go though, likely displacement but other options could also work (ring, shimmer, blast wave, etc.).

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Make it a choice node with blink.


Deep shouldn’t come back and mages shouldn’t get any compensation for nerfs sorry queen


It would be cool if they’d make Hunter an actual class instead of a calculated counterweight to the cool things mage gets to do.

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Ele shaman eat mages… lol just purge their shields. smh

Back in this time if a mage entered your dead zone you could just raptor strike them with a two handed weapon for big damage. Was a fun time.

Perfectly valid opinion with strong rationale behind it. I think it’s an ability that when done right amplifies spec design tremendously (setting up burst for shatter). Think also think it’d diversify frost but after WoD’s deep-sheep terror can see why people would say a hard no.

<3 back to you girlboss

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Khadgar’s Bamboozler

You create a 10ft radius sphere centered on you, taking 50% less damage from enemies outside it, and 100% more damage from enemies inside it.

The problem is that it’ll never be done right. Everyone knows you’d just get deepfreeze and keep all the things that make mage so disgusting or eventually get them slowly added back in if they got removed.

The class just outright doesn’t need nor deserve a stun until blizz stops giving it the golden pass to S tier every season.

Should be a choice node with counterspell.

play in PVP season in world of Warcraft (any of them)
mages are s tier of s tier and have multiple s tier comps to run
look inside
mages are crying