New macro for Smoldering Seedling

Hello everyone, this is my first forum post on here, figured I’d pop in and help some players out. This is a macro I came up with for the trinket; “Smoldering Seedling” it basically helps any healer out with being able to cast their healing spells easily onto the treeant sapling that spawns from the trinket allowing you to easily heal it to full with no worries of not capitalizing on the buff that comes with it for your party!

Macro; /use 13
/targetexact Treant Seedling
/castsequence reset=30 Spellname here, Spellname here, Spellname here, Spellname here

Now how to use this macro and an example of what I use on my monk here.
The castsequence reset=30 is to give you time for the GCD to come off. I use it as followed;
/castsequence reset=30 Renewing Mist, Vivify, Sheilun’s Gift, Soothing Mist, Enveloping Mist

At ten stacks of Sheilun’s gift I will pop the macro, followed by hitting it again to target the seedling that spawns. Then it’s a simple case of repeating the macro press five times. Allow your character to cast your spells of course. Holy light cast Pop the macro again (etc etc) What this basically does is heal the seedling to full allowing your trinket proc to happen where it’ll lay out its’ massive healing for your party. making it a lot less useless for fistweavers in mythic plus content. Giving you a huge AoE heal for pretty much free. Also in raid content it’s pretty nice.

Hopefully this helps someone else out I troubleshot this darn macro for the better half of three days trying to get it to work correctly no matter the healer class. (Yes even you evokers.) can use this spell macro easily enough. Just where it says Spellname here delete that put your spell there, leave a space after the comma and you’re golden!

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