New Lor'themar voice

I have concerns… I hope this is just a place holder and the old voice actor will be saying his lines in the final cut … because the new voice is pretty bad…


Hopefully this means he’ll be dead soon.

I still feel a type of way about the leader of a race of powerful magic elves being nothing more than a living subpar version of Ranger-General Sylvanas.

My vote is for Aethas or Rommath.

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It’s the same actor since MoP, Gideon Emery.

It sounds like a different voice actor in the 8.2 ingame cut scenes…

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I mentioned this early on during the PTR and a lot of people said I was wrong. I also believe they changed the VA for Occuleth. You can literally listen to the cut scene voice then click on him in-game and see, the voice is obviously different.

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It is no doubt Gideon Emery, but they seemed to have messed up the pitch during edition.

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