New Instance Limit in WoW Classic

I for one Welcome our Token Overlords.

I’m not saying this new angle is going to work. I just think it’s silly that people think Blizz is -only- focusing on ridding Bots because they’re not. They want to stop -all- forms of Cheating which isn’t -always- Botters. I think Blizz wants to do what they can to stop -all- Cheaters (Bots or not).

That’s not what their plan is, they’ve already talked about releasing TBC and how they would like us to see it released. IF they were doing a “classic plus” that might be more plausible but this is supposed to be the same game we played back then, even if the players are playing it differently. A 15 dungeon cap per day would lose most of the playerbase as, like it or not, most of the current player base is pretty serious about this game. 15 dungeon cap would be ridiculous, that’d be 3 hours of lockouts for SGC, that’s probably a total of an hour actual dungeon playtime. Don’t force your opinions and ideas on others.

Do you consider fishing for Jed to be cheating? Do you consider farming for rare drops like HoJ and SGC to be cheating?

How about someone who only really has one day a week free to play, and needs to farm all day for raid consumes, but doesn’t spend more time per raid than someone who plays 3 hours every night farming consumes. Are they cheating?

How the hell does this stop botting? Does this not reward people for making multiple accounts in order to farm efficiently? Let’s take multiboxers for instance, now they can just use their 5 accounts to solo farm… The average player not paying $75 a month to play this game will get screwed over, NOT THE BOTS. Don’t be money hungry Blizz.

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I can see the argument over resetting an instance that nothing has even been killed in as being something Blizzard would’ve patched out, so depending on perspective Jed could be.

But SGC/HoJ (provided you’re not abusing pathing and actually killing the mobs normally) cannot even be remotely construed as abusive or exploitative behavior

This change is a cancer and slap in the face to the real classic community that came over from private servers. I would gladly take a private server over this. At least they had a system that worked. Honestly Blizzard, who ever is deciding on these changes has absolutely no idea what they are doing. This is laughable at this point.

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most likely.
reminds me 100% of layering, nobody wanted it at all we begged them not to do it, they did it anyways promising it wouldn’t exist past phase 1, then they let the servers get so backed up with huge queues that people are literally begging for layering, the very thing they never wanted to begin with.

The strategy they’ll use is more likely to be the- implement this, wait 3-4 weeks, feign shock that bots aren’t leaving the game and let us know they’re investigating the reason why this didn’t reduce bots as intended, and then release tokens and claim that’s a proven method of reducing bots.

Look at the suck ups knighting for Blizz in this thread, because they’ll be right there praising the token as their saviour and badmouthing us bad players that dare complain about them bringing the token, while saying ‘but this is what the community wants!’ the entire time.

umm, depending on some people’s luck… they are

arena runs exist for Savage glad chain which is basically best chestpiece for warriors until nax (some say all of classic)

hoj is strong early on, and is right after arena

ppl are doing instances for leveling now and are being grinded through dungeons (honestly i don’t find it fun but if your busy its a way to pay someone to get you a level while you are cleaning/doing something else… i know plenty of people that do this on days they can’t focus 100 percent on playtime)

the problem with this is in unique situations they are punishing people that are doing something legitimate due to game design as opposed to punishing the multiple botters that are running around without being punished… I don’t think anyone asked for this as a solution

Tokens never did jack for bots, that’s what they want you to believe so people accepted them, in fact you can log into retail RIGHT NOW and /who Botanica and find hundreds of bots in any server farming it 24/7, reminds you of something?
In fact, wow was hit the HARDEST it was ever hit by bots in 2017, they fixed that by going for the SOURCE instead of punishing players.


I’m all for banning botters, but this is not correct. Paths can be generated dynamically and bots are very hard to automatically detect. Human confirmation of bots is by far the most accurate method. Perhaps they should consider hiring a few more GM’s (not sure how many they have, but I’m guessing not enough).

Im not against that, don’t get me wrong. But I know im not the only me, being a disabled vet, who uses this as a social outlet. I farm and talk to people. Farm for others who dont have the time I have, farm just to see that fat number in my bag. This does nothing against any cheaters in any way I can legitimately tell. However, it does affect a lot of players in many ways they probably dont even see. Your main tank uses a mage to hardcore farm gold to fund himself. Accidentally locks out, you have no main raid tank. You get feared into an instance and lose lockouts, etc. Nothing good comes from this.

This view is incredibly naive. They are looking for the cheapest solution that results in the maximum revenue. That’s it. They don’t care about “cheaters” the way you define them. They care that botting has an overall negative effect on game quality and player retention – big picture. They want an affordable big picture solution. They do not want to spend the money on real people to moderate WoW Classic, a product they largely view as a free addon to the “real” Retail game. They are looking for marginal dollars here, not rosy ideals.


But what about farming for those very illusive, in high demand, and low drop items? The gold farmers will just get more aggressive with stealing accounts and using more accounts to sell runs. This change really only hurts the players not them. This is a very short sighted solution that was clearly not fully thought through Blizzard really dropped the ball on this one.

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So this is another, “punish the players because it’s cheaper than hiring GMs”?

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Probably going to have to drop my sub for this. Leveled a fresh warrior and will not be reasonable to farm SGC and HoJ now. If they don’t revert this expect to lose a massive amount of subs.

Thotdot of Asylum ~Earthfury


Playerbase: FIX THE BOTS.
Blizzard: Okay, we’ll look into it.
Blizzard: Fracks over feral tanks.
Playerbase: The FRACK did you just do.

If you don’t want to be a warrior without SGC and HoJ, you don’t deserve to be a warrior with SGC and HoJ.

Thanks Kaivax! This is a step in the right direction.