New Instance Limit in WoW Classic

Did you just watch asmongold and use his misinformed opinion as your own? or did you just come to the misinformed decision on your own? Either way, the number is far larger than 1%, try at least 30-40%, thats a more realistic number.

You think players will accidentally do 30 dungeons in a day without realizing it?

Yeah ok I could try to hit 30 gnomers every but I work OT every week. I’d rather get it all done in one day. This forces me to spread out my farming, something I don’t have time for.

Just ban the bots… stop trying to fix a system that isn’t broken.

Whats next? “You can only pick 30 herbs a day”


I love boosting on my alt mage, its the most fun thing I have done on my mage and I haven’t made any gold doing it because I have only been boosting friends and other classes on my 2nd account. Now I can’t go hard boosting on the weekend with my friends because of this short-sighted change… I’ve seen a lot of posts with the sentiment that its not healthy to run more than 6 hours of dungeons a day, but what if you are busy all week and wanna go hard on the weekend? I think people shouldn’t be limited in doing so.

This change affects not only booster:
dme jumps and lashers
druid mcp runs
arena farm
jed/rend runs (searching for jed will rack up cap fast!)
tribute runs
ghetto hearthing

During my time boosting in SM, I’ve seen and reported a lv 52 hunter that walks through walls on his way to instance portals… he still hasen’t been banned and has been displaying this activity for months.

Questions I have about this aweful change:
Does the cap reset at a certain time each day? Otherwise, does each instance fall off individually after 24 hours has passed? Does joining and leaving groups count towards the cap in general? Does one run of cath/armory count as 2 runs or 1 towards the reset?

I’d rather deal with bots than have this cap…


You start with this:

It’s all we (the players) really can do.

NetEase has the answers they can do 100k bans a week. Does Blizzard really have no way of contacting the company that runs their game in China? They could even toss an email into google translate: “Pls halp I cant run my own game you does it better can i haz your anti boop software?”

I have a feral tank alt and I still need to also do DM:east for my thunderfury mats. The middle finger I’m getting from Blizz on this one is making hostile to any new purchases from this company ever. I can’t play much during the week so I need to binge on weekends. Except that aforementioned middle finger from the company I’m paying (for now).

it might not happen often but it will, 30 lockouts is easy to burn through in 24 hours

To all the people complaining about reporting bots and it ‘not working’…
They cannot simply ban people based on automation of player supplied reports. Otherwise it would be abused by the playerbase to get legitimate players banned. Blizzard has also ALWAYS operated bans in waves and not on a case by case basis.
Frankly, Blizzard should be using this opportunity of massive unemployment to hire more people to investigate the reports and help to expedite these ban waves. I know I’d be game for such an opportunity (naturally excluding the realm I play on).

Several people are typing…

Way to go full George W Bush on this. Botters blow up our trade economy so we resort to nuking innocent players ability to play the game as intended? Smh my head

I’m going to try and explain why this change will do nothing to address the underlying issue. First, it only will effect bots brushing up against the 5 resets/hour limit. Those Strat bots will be almost certainly unaffected by this change, and if they are, I’m sure they could easily tweak their scripts to achieve 24hr uptime. Second, nothing is going to stop bots from being leveled on other servers, meaning they can do rotating 6 hour shifts on 4 different servers. 24 hour uptime again. Third, maybe they run 6 hours till lockout, then just switch over to world grinding. There is plenty of money to be made herbing/mining and grinding mobs. 6 hours in dungeons, 18 hours world farming, again 24 hour uptime. Please don’t pretend like this is a solution to the problem, or will even contribute to slowing bots down! As long as they reach a point where they make even a dollar of profit, they will continue to bot. If you want to solve this problem you need to ban botters early and often. You cannot push this on players, it’s not our responsibility to police a game we pay for. Private servers have better anti-cheat automation than Classic servers. This is a solvable problem, you just need to do it! In the meantime, we get changes like this, which probably don’t affect most legitimate players. But it does affect plenty! Most don’t have it in them to go hard and do 30 instances in a day, but there are certainly a few thousand that have and do when they can. Why should they be punished by your inaction? There is nothing wrong with the way they play the game, the fault is 100% on Blizzard for failing to real steps to curb botting.

Revert this change and do something real please.

This is just some stupid ploy to get everyone more comfortable with WoW Tokens, which is 100% going to be the “fix” for this. Blizzard is doing this to say “oh well we tried” and most likely going to do WoW tokens because well… they’re a sad greedy company

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I guess it’s all relative, but that’s 6+ hours of running dungeons.

I don’t know if I’d call that easy.

Pretty easy farming cloth for the war effort in stocks.

Is this an out of season april fools joke?

“Do you guys not have multiple accounts?”


Nah go re read the post. It’s about automated, or bot, play. That what this is about, not any other forms of cheating.

This will help with the botting I guess, but it doesn’t seem very effective in actually getting anyone to do group content as it was intended, though.

Not sure if that was part of the goal. Folks will still just use up their cap on boosts or raids and then do solo content along a guide if they wanna keep leveling their alts.

Depends what people are doing, 5 SGC runs can be done in like 20-30 mins, or burning lockouts scouting for Jed, DM jump runs etc…