New Instance Limit in WoW Classic

Really couldn’t care less how “hardcore” players are affected in Classic.

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Cool, so you support the 30 BG a day limit?

I knew the classic feel would fade, here comes retail rules.
Blizzard if you change enough in classic, players may end back at Lightshope or other private servers. Keep classic pure, its why you have a user base.


pathetic there hasnt been a blue post since this terrible change


Capped and playing other games when I would be playing wow. But I guess me not playing the game is good for the game.

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Has anyone taste the manipulation Blizzard is doing to the player base? Farming is beyond boring, unrewarding, they manipulate arcane crystal drops. Now this bizaar change. Blizzard wants you to quit.their machines cant hold enough population thats why they added layering, they know layering wont solve it. so they will ban bots and humans to get the population down. once the population goes under that they will come back to this forum with a rever blue post, mark my wards.

Actually yeah, yeah it is. The fewer Mages solo farming 10+ hours a day in dungeons, the better.

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This is where they claim they can’t do anything further about botting other than bring in the WoW token, which was their goal all along.


Me farming princess for blade of eternal darkness is not impacting your gameplay whatsoever. All mages are exploiting is such a silly argument. Furthermore, I cannot JUST farm the blade, so now I am going to maximize the runs I do and farm more of the instance. I didn’t want to farm a bunch of this other s***, but blizz forces hands by limited my princess kill per 24 to 30.


They’re increasing the drop rate when the next patch launches. You and the other 10 Mages running into the dungeon cap while farming Princess Theradras for one broken item used specifically to farm inordinate amounts of gold and items will have a much higher chance to get the dagger next patch.

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Typically holier than thou Paladin on his white knight escapade.

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Looks like I was spot on.

Nope, I’ve run Princess 2150 times for blade and that’s a minimum of 430 hours worth of capping. If i was trying I could easily get 150g/hr selling carries which is 64,500g. But instead, i’m trying to obtain the item because it’s a goal and an extra tool while going thru things like suppression gauntlet… and have accumulated 10k gold because I really only wanted to kill Princess. If I wanted to gain an “inordinate amounts of gold and items” I wouldn’t be farming the dagger… Not all mages are gold hungry dragons looking to pillage your poor, meager Paladin gold obtained so through, and I am sure, painstakingly humble ways.

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Yeah, farming Satyrs in Azshara is pretty humble.

Good news! The drop rate is being increased next patch! You’ll have an easier time farming it than you did before the daily dungeon cap.

You know to the vast majority of the people playing the game, that is

Remove it already or add counter in game…

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You’ll never get it, these are the white knights that twisted ‘exploitative and automated gameplay’ into ‘Blizz wanted to punish players running dungeons too much’ with absolutely zero to back up, and hope if they repeat the lie long enough it’ll stick.

It’s media BS 101. Doesn’t help that Blizz put out a reasoning that fell apart within the first hour after their post yet weeks later they haven’t addressed that.


Most of your complaints like spell batching and melee leeway already existed in vanilla wow and how can you prove there is a nonexistent gm team? Player numbers fall and rise which is typical of any game, what figure are you using to measure an increase botters? I’m interested in the data you gathered! Multiboxers too were part of the vanilla (an iconic video of multiboxing being from TBC) experience.

Rhyse, you think you do but you don’t. Retail is that way and don’t let the door hit you on the way out. :point_right:

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I don’t really want legitimate players to leave - just look at the ghost town that is retail that is the result of such a stance.
But if someone must leave, I’ll vote for the people telling other people to leave as there is very little behavior more toxic than that.

There’s more people playing Retail than Classic, they’re just spread over a larger number of servers and shards.

4000+ posts, and I still don’t see any great reason why the 30 instance cap is bad for the game.

It reduces overfarming of instances by a small group of players.

Yes, there’s some collateral damage to legitimate pursuits, but most of those issues either affect an entire class evenly or can be mitigated by simply spacing out the grind.

The fact that the 40 mans were removed from the counter makes me think the cap is here to stay.

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