New Instance Limit in WoW Classic

And one day you’ll realize you still can farm for HoJ in the current system.

Sure, 30 times a day. Ive farmed it for 10 hours a day before. The freedom of choice to do so has been taken away for a solution that really doesnt solve anything. You’ll blindly support it though cause you dislike players that are better or more dedicated than you :woman_shrugging:


Like I said if you’ve been farming it for 10 hours a day since release and haven’t gotten it yet, maybe you should take the hint and move on.

Nah, it wouldn’t make sense to stop farming something that is the best item you can get for that slot at the current time. What would I do with the time I’m dedicating to farming that item otherwise? Herbing? lol no. Leveling an alt? No. The endgame has too little to do to just stop farming the best item because luck is crap. Ive played the game long enough to not mind farming an item until I get it.

What is funny though is that you’re telling people to move on from grinding in a game that is built to be grinded. Shows your intelligence.

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You’ve always had restrictions on grinding instances. Sorry this is nothing new, merely a modification of an existing system. Deal with it.

The restriction was 5 per hour which Ive been used to and have accepted for well over a decade. This current change is not only unprecedented but also useless and ineffective. Your support for it is laughable at best.

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Why should he have to deal with it? Why is this a proper attitude to have? I get that you don’t have any skin in the game but is it too much to ask to have some empathy for people that want to work hard to get their BiS and recognize that this change is having a negative impact on them?

This change hasn’t impacted much other than create a large amount of vitriol in the community. Boosts are still happening, bots still exist and if you go into any leveling area you’ll see a new crop of bots leveling to take the ones that were banned or locked.

So what you’re saying is that the system is not the problem, you are simply incapable of adapting to it, so much for your claims of being a 1337 player.

No what Im saying is youre blindly supporting a change that doesnt serve its purpose. You’re so illogical you believe that the same company that created mythic+ and the tower in shadowlands, systems that incentivize grinding dungeon instances doesn’t want us grinding instances in Classic.

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It seems to serve it’s purpose quite well, otherwise you wouldn’t be whining about it.

Its purpose is to attempt to eliminate automation and exploiting. It does none of that.

It seems to be preventing you from exploiting.

Explain how Im exploiting

You were running more than 30 instances a day.

That is not an exploit.

I just keep hearing on these forums how this is going to disrupt legitimate play and have yet to see any evidence. Lots of hyperbole, though.

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If you are using some kind of pathing or map design exploit to do so it is :slight_smile:

If you were running BRD from start to finish as intended you very likely wouldn’t be able to hit even the 30 a day cap playing 24 hours a day much less as you claim hitting the 5/hour cap for 10+ hours.

The pathing is the exploit, not the running the instance 30+ times. This change does nothing to fix the pathing exploit.

You’ve never been required to finish the entirety of the instance in the 16 years of this game. From 16 years ago to last Monday you were able to run 120 instance per day per character if you chose to. You still can in retail. Running 30+ instances a day is not an exploit.

Keep promoting your ignorance.

BRD by design isn’t meant to be done from start to finish. It’s tiered off in different level ranges so you do different wings of the dungeon in across multiple runs. No ever does a full BRD…

But if you are only able to run so many instances because of the pathing exploit…

Oh and stick with me here, if blizzard actually truly fixed that behavior, you wouldn’t be able to farm at all. Is that what you actually want?