New Instance Limit in WoW Classic

^ this is not a joke. I am like capped

same here. otherwise i’d like yours <3

Yeah ive ran into the like cap a few times.

Or maybe some people work for home and dont have anything else to do after theyre done with their work and choose to work in a virtual world? playing less than others doesnt justify your position more lol


Your way of playing is not everyone elses. You might only be able to play a few hours a day but some of us are retired or working from home. This is an easy to hit cap that restricts real players only. Bot’s don’t give a flip. they swap server to another character and roll on through. They only play to make gold and real $$.


What was the REAL goal behind this Actiblizz? Anyone with half a brain can see this literally does nothing to stop “exploitive and automatic gameplay” as bots have multiple accounts with multiple different characters across multiple different servers. Boosters are just raising their prices. So tell us why you really did this? My guess is this is to fatten their bottom line.

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This may be true. But when they made the change to Black Lotus spawns the forum response was overwhelmingly positive, because it was a good change that didn’t hurt any legitimate players.

It’s a common misunderstanding to think that this only effects hard core players farming non stop. I’m not going to write another wall of text explaining this, but if you care there’s plenty of examples in these threads, and in my previous posts.


It’s as if any explanation we give for how easy it actually is for an average person to become capped with this update falls on deaf ears. They’ll argue all day but completely IGNORE actual explanations.

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This only makes me think they are trying to make even more money by forcing the botters to create more accounts. Really solves nothing here for the gaming community…

daily reminder that this change is awful and a massive inconvenience to legitimate players.

see you tomorrow when its still not reverted.

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I played last night from 9pm-12:30am and then again this morning from 9am-12pm because I had the day off. I don’t necessarily see this as excessive. I don’t sit at my computer the whole time. I’ve been farming Blade of Eternal Darkness for a few months and I can generally kill princess every 6-7 min and cap in 30 minutes then go do other things. Now, I am now capped for 9 hours on a day off. While I understand the system, this is a major inconvenience and really is not a great change for players focused on a target reward located in an dungeon who may be weekend warriors. I love dungeons, that’s why I want to do them! I’ve done over 1900+ attempts on princess and now I am fighting unnecessary gate keeping that botters with access to multiple accounts simply will not. If can’t do more than 5 in an hour and I can’t do more than 30 in a 24-hour period I’m forced into mini-sessions every hour and then penalized for doing it too often (when I pay a subscription to do it). I really don’t want to be at my computer but this new system makes it nearly impossible to have a solid session when attempting to achieve a goal of obtaining anything with a low drop rate. It’s really disheartening as a player who has been invested in the franchise for 15 years. It’s broken and doesn’t fix anything to an extent that it is worth hamstringing legitimate player who wish to achieve rewards they want to work hard for. Please revert this change.


I guess I’m setting myself up to be flamed, but here goes:

I cannot imagine playing more than thirty instances in a single day. Even when I didn’t have a family and could play an entire Saturday, I might’ve raided for 4-5 hours and done a couple dungeons… but I definitely didn’t come anywhere close to 30 instances. Some of that time was spent in the ourdoor world, or doing BGs, or something else.

I’ve hit the 5/hour limit a couple times, but not that often.

Is nearly 3000 posts of outrage actually justified?

Please read the post directly above yours.


The average person isn’t farming one boss nonstop more than 30 times a day. Even hitting your cap every hour, that’s still 6 hours of just farming the same dungeon boss. The average person also isn’t sitting outside Mara selling boosts all day.

This doesn’t hurt the average player. This hurts the small minority who is literally addicted to this game again.

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lolwut, this is vanilla WoW, a 15 or so year old game.

I don’t care if I am average or more dedicated, the purpose of this change was to hurt bots and it simply won’t. Also, this argument that players that play more aren’t allowed to voice their concerns because some made-up priorities imposed from others is completely asinine.

Edit: I’m sitting here with 2 posts in forums because I am not playing the game… should speak for itself.

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you definitely aren’t in a position to tell someone how to use their gametime.

that being said, the part that you and others are missing is that it doesn’t even have to be “farming one boss nonstop more than 30 times a day”.

i ran my buddies through SM 15x today to help him level/finish quests. afterwards, i wanted to help another friend farm his HoJ. oh, but I realized I had to tell him I couldn’t, because I needed to farm UBRS later today. with this change, blizzard has made it so i am unable to participate in content with friends unless planned ahead a day in advance. this is asinine and completely against everything classic is about: spontaneous social interactions that breed day-to-day activities.


Maybe just not do 30 instances a day? You’re the outlier in this. The average player isn’t spamming arena until their hourly cap for 6 hours a day every day. The average player isn’t even willing to spend 6 hours farming arena.

It’s not Blizzard’s fault that you don’t have the self control to do more than spend the entire day playing WoW.

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i’m sorry in what world should you have any say in how i use my time?

Yea, I have plenty of self control. I’ll use it now.

I’m not telling you how to use your time. But if 30 is a cap that you’re hitting that easily every day, maybe this is a really good change for you. Seriously, how many people do you think are actually playing that excessively?

This is the people botting, and the people selling dungeon runs, and a few people who will spam BRD arena 5 times every hour for apparently 12 hours a day. Most (almost all) people playing this game will NEVER hit that cap.