This is an absolute joke and a lie. It is not hard to see that the real purpose here is to feign a response to botting while actually squeezing more profit out of botters.
With this change botters will have to pay 4x sub fees (or steal more accounts) in order to run the bot 24/7. They will still do this and they will still be profitable. Impact of botting on the economy will not change drastically. However, blizzard will collect substantially more sub revenue.
But normal players will be negatively impacted quite severely. The suggestion that normal players don’t farm for more than 6 hours per day is ludicrous.
This change would have personally cost me well over 5k gold when ZG came out as I was running 15 minute herb runs as many hours per day as possible while the price on bloodvine was high.
Maximizing farming time for a new thing when it is hot is a big deal.
A major element of classic that makes it more desirable than retail for many players is the ability to choose your own hours. You can go hard for a week then stop instead of having to do your 1 hour of world quests every single day forever. This change forces farming into a more retail-esque mold.
My preferred play style is to set aside a week to farm all day every day when I need gold or have a good opportunity and then stop. Apparently that isn’t allowed anymore.
What about players who can only play on the weekends and go hard with the time they have?
All so that blizzard can feign giving a damn about bots while secretly not helping at all and stuffing their own pockets. Absolute joke.
Absolute joke. I use my Mage to boost Mara and make gold for consums for multiple alts and raiders. Now, it’s gonna be hell farming HoJ and SGC on my warrior. Between this and all the other stupid $$$ changes, I don’t even know what the hell I am gonna do from this point forward. Might be time to call it quits.
im sure its a temporary measure and players wanted something done they do something and now your all up in arms i’m also sure they are doing covert methods do they cant talk about
This is an awful change. Please just fix the underlying botting issues. Botters will just swap to a different realm when they hit cap. Also make world buffs physical buffs.
It seems that you have just made World of Warcraft Immortal. “Sorry, you have used up your 30 energy today! Play more tomorrow, or buy another sub to speed it up!”
I don’t think you realize it but this just proves that this change only affects legitimate players and does nothing to actually hurt bots. People’s accounts get “hacked” because of gold selling/buying. Now it’s even more difficult for legitimate players to make gold, which drives them closer to purchasing it instead.
The bots/goldsellers on the other hand, have access to innumerable accounts, so when they hit the cap they can just log off that account and fire up a different account, making it even more difficult to detect which accounts are botting cause they’re spending even less time in game.
This change is literally helping bots and gold sellers while punishing legitimate players.
how many times does blizzard have to screw over the playerbase before apologists will finally recognize that they dont care and are doing little to nothing of substance?