New Instance Limit in WoW Classic

Ive made this comparison tons of times… WE ARE PLAYING A MOBILE GAME NOW

Get off classic forums retailer? We don’t need your input. 70% of classic players dislike this change

Dont feed the troll, Shinree is a retail Panda stopping in just to stir more angst

Claire is just as bad. Lol doesn’t even play classic and is trying to talk. Go do LFR or something jesus is BFA that boring?

and THAT is exactly what made me unsub both accounts


  • botters in every game, ruins economies but no ban hammers
  • basically the entire source of the issue, aside from the few rus rus
  • constantly attacks cyber security

Slam me with the I am a biggot for spitting the truth.

You’ve posted over two dozen times about not liking this change and I’m the one who’s bored?

And yes, I post with a retail toon because i don’t need idiots like you flaming me in game.

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Flaming you in game for what? If you play the game cool, as long as you have insightful opinions sure. Switch to your 60 character and let us see.

you mass reported me in like 5 threads for disagreeing with you about this hotfix, your a lunatic and he’s wise to conceal his toons identity

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I have 2 accounts and Im signed into one, clearly other people think you’re trolling as well. I’m done replying to you. You add no insight to the discussion and are a clear retail troll. If you want a reply USE YOUR CLASSIC CHARACTER.

1 guy cheated in 2004 so its ok now.

Same goes for bots and fly hacks too then

i know this will get lost in the sea of comments

but this fixes literally nothing outside of delaying people from getting 60 from power leveling a day or two.

The prices of the runs will go up, but most people who buy these runs already have thousands of golds so prices going up 5-10 gold per run doesnt effect them much.

Blizzard focuses on everything but the actual issue at hand, as usual.


Killing the PvP ranking system and killing the economy.

This will not fix either. They’ll just raise prices slightly and people will level their ALTS key word ALTS a day or 2 slower.

I cant believe people actually sit in a board meeting room and actually come up with these “fixes”

#nochanges - right? but want to change stuff like this instead of game breaking bugs like Rogue vanish/stealth while being chased down by pets even out of combat and 50 yards away


People abused pathing all the time in vanilla and even in TBC… Lol did you even play than?

I wonder if actiblizzard considered maybe banning the bots quicker than once every 6 months, but no lets gatekeep normal players because we don’t care enough to pay gm’s to ban bots

Mad max waving his finger.

That’s bait.

So no classic character? Okay retail troll than. Done replying. Enjoy BFA

fixed this for you.

did he just say he is retarded…?

False equivalence. It’s nothing like it is today, and it’s a terrible argument either way. Just because some people got away with cheating in the past doesn’t mean it’s ok now. If so bots and fly hacks are fine too.

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They didnt put this hotfix out for pathing. they put it out for bots. You aren’t even making sense bro. Go read up above