New Increasing Cooldown for Changing Layers

Put back layers for &(#@'s SAKE, its too early, zones are PACKED and bottlenecking so hard, its not even fun, why would you do something like that? since your patch, leveling is like 3 times as slow, its not even funny. YOUR REALMS ARE OVERPOPULATED, Deal with it. Layers cant be removed RIGHT NOW as the hype is STILL THERE

Too many people.

Can’t quest, everywhere you go your screen is filled with 2 - 6 players, no matter how remote it is. This isn’t classic, I was playing back in 2005 and it’s not even close to what it was.

Part of the problem is that they made servers with population that’s way too big compared to back then. Layering or not layering it will always be an issue as long as the populations are that high.

So let’s lay down how we got here:

1.) Blizzard claims that 90% of the players that roll on classic servers will drop off
2.) Due to this 90% figure, Blizzard implements heavy layering and makes the number of players that can be on a server at once way too high in addition to not making a small number of servers
3.) Layering is heavily abusable so players jump layers to get more chest drops, mining nodes, etc.
4.) Blizzard reduces the layering resulting in every corner or every server being packed, reducing leveling options to grinding mindlessly or spamming instances

This is band-aid after band-aid because Blizzard pulled a number out of their a$$ and predicated their entire operation off it. Re-add the layers and find some other way to make people not abuse the mechanic because it’s pointless to stop some players to chain loot chests if it comes at a massive quality of life hit for the vast majority of your player base.

I’m guessing this is part of recreating the vanilla wow experience. There were constant bugs that needed fixing back then.

“Working as intended.”

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i just wanna say thank you, after the server reset / patch a few days ago. the world becoming alive again, i can see other people roaming around, chatting, and doing quest together, just like an MMO supposed to be.

maybe you guys already reducing the number of layer, which is great in my toon level 22-35.

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Nope, unfortunately Blizzard changed the /who command after insisting (incorrectly) it could not be used to determine layers:

Each layer is the population of a vanilla server, you’re seeing a ton of people because not everyone is camped in the city anymore since everyone is actually using /4 now.

/5 is the legit one /4 is user made and controlled

Edit: on kirtonos

I should have just said LookingForGroup, the number can change based on when you added them, /4 is LFG for me.

Guarantee this is the cause of everyone currently experiencing Error #132.

As an enchanter on Bloodsail Buccaneers (very frequent in person trading), I do notice that there are some people that take a while to phase in when I group with them. I’m careful to invite people to group with me as much as possible because legitimately practicing enchanting is very likely to trigger flags for layering abuse.

As a note to anyone analyzing data, please do remember that your local enchanters are meeting up with people in cities all the time to do in person enchanting activity. We aren’t trying to be naughty; we are just trying to lose a lot less money than enchanting only our gear over and over to level our craft.

And your proof is…?

It’s pretty funny you made a post saying layer hopping was totally not being abused and that everyone claiming to have lots of Black Lotus or epic mount already were just lying.

And then you go and make this change, just confirming the initial claims were in fact true and needed to be fixed.


I don’t think you understood what I was saying.

I can vouch for him. His method was working until Blizz did their patch on Sunday. It also seems like Blizz reduced the amount of layers as well because I’m seeing a lot more people running around. Before this, it got real lonely when I was questing by myself in Tanaris and Feralas on a high pop server (Whitemane). Sunday and Monday I noticed a lot more people in Un’goro / Felwood and actually got to group with some of them to finish some kill quests.

wow be careful everyone theres a butthurt army on here who seems tobe easyly offended when people dont agree with them. so again i will repost lets see how long it takes to be taken down

are you serious?
its not about making this in minutes. turn the timer into HOURS and no grouping with other players from another “layers” should cancel that timer. no one is going to care if you just use semantic to alter a rule set that can be by passed.
i was even offered golds to group with other peopel in other layers to cancel their timers.

the devs at blizzard at just failing more and more at this.

for once blizzard could gain some interesting insights on “instancing” a map by looking at what SE did for final fantasy 14. they added “instanced maps” that you can jump from from “fly point” aka aetheryte crystals and players can jump from one “instanced map or layer” to another by going from where they are to the fly point and selecting a new instance. usually takes a few minutes of running.

i wonder how long it will take until the butt hurt army flags this post.

They need to do this in Retail too!

Well duuurrrr. This is a bandaid and not a fix. As i predicted, layering was a disaster. This is akin to kissing a booboo when the leg is amputated.

When is Phase 2??? I am tired of layering in general. Just make it go away already and not make us wait till Phase 2!!!

Maybe its just me, and Im a tiny minority but: I am happy with the work and interaction Blizzard is doing with classic. Sure, there are abuses. There will be in any game as long as humans are involved.

However, as a long time original Vanilla player from early early on, Im very happy to have Classic and am excited by the possibiity of new adventures in Classic we did not have via the original Vanilla.

My thanks to Blizzard for making this happen.


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