New Hyperspawn found! hyperspawn nerfed. Can we finally just REMOVE HYPERSPAWNING?

Cmon Blizzard. Just stand up now and FINALLY do the right thing.

Look, if you don’t know, hyperspawns actually DO serve a purpose! It’s common in MMOs to have a large group of people fighting over mobs for their “collect 8 items” FedEx style quests.

I remember reading an interview during the beta for Vanilla where Blizzard said they felt that was boring, and they didn’t want people standing around instead of PLAYING the game! A GREAT PHILOSOPHY!! And so they said if quest mobs are being hunted a lot by players, they will spawn more rapidly so they can keep PLAYING. GREAT MOVE!!!

But this is obviously being abused.

The things that have been “hyper farmed” in MoP and every expac since then haven’t been done for a quest. They’re just being done for greens, or leather, or whatever else is being abused by the hyperspawn. THIS DOESN’T BELONG IN THE GAME.

So leave the hyperspawning dynamic in-- we still need it for actual questing. But IT’S SO SIMPLE:

Remove all xp.
Remove all loot.
Remove any secondary drops (leather, herbalism, etc)
Make it POINTLESS to farm the mobs, beyond questing.

Problem solved.

This is long, Long, LONG overdue.


Frogs… Goats… Heart of Fear…


CRANES! the wheel just keeps spinning.

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I for one can’t wait for the next wowhead article to be “Crane Farm Nerfed!”

And not “Remix gear upgrade costs reduced by 80-90%”

All they need to do is make specific achievements required for each gear level.

Like, all the heroic scenarios for 360. Heroic dungeons for 372, etc.

That way there’s an actual progression system in place where we will feel stronger as we do stronger content.


How about nah?

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It already was. That’s why I made this post. :stuck_out_tongue:


They could also just let everyone tag the same mobs, removing the need for hyperspawn.


they will all keep their bronze and XP too :slight_smile: while the legit players call further behind and get rekt by scaling. LOL

As they should. BLIZZARD is to blame here, not the players.

They’re not using a terrain hack, or in any sense of the word CHEATING. Hyperspawning is part of how the game works.

Which is why I make this post about removing this dynamic – and NOT punishing the players.

Hyperspawns and 2x4 groups are bad for the game. But you won’t win the war punishing the people that take advantage of that system. You just remove the system.

And since hyperspawns serve an actual purpose, you just take away the reward. No xp, no drops, no nothing. Just mobs for quests.

And +snap+ … this all goes away. In MopMix, any new Mix version, and in retail. 100%, solves this problem in every facet of the game.

And it should have been done TEN YEARS AGO.

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Exploit early, exploit often.

This is the way.


New Hyperspawn found!!!

+starts stopwatch until this new one is nerfed.+

Cmon Blizzard.

Put on your big boy pants and just REMOVE HYPERSPAWNING FROM THE GAME … ENTIRELY.


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Blizzard: Hyoerspawns allow people to reliably get their kills in spite of there being a large number of players actively killing them by massively ramping up their spawn rates

players group up to endlessly farm them for cloth, leather, boes etc

Blizzard: surprised pikachu face

You know, pretty much all the complaints about MoP Remix (aside from enemy scaling as you approach and hit level 70) have come down to players finding a way to become ridiculously overpowered beyond what was expected.

You’d think Blizz would realize by now that they could stop all this by putting in a rather modest cap on the amount of power a player could obtain.

Just make it so players capped out their gear not long after hitting level 70 (it’s a short event, no need to go far with it) and cap out the cloak at fairly reasonable values… and make sure the level 70 enemies and content are tuned with that in mind.

Sure, there’d still be a hyperspawning and people farming to “get ahead”… but they’d just run out of stuff to do.

They’d grumble.
They’d complain.
Then they’d leave.

And what would be left is those just playing MoP Remix for fun and farming cosmetics, and I think both parties would actually be happier. Those trying to get ahead stop wasting their time working around constant nerfs, and those who aren’t don’t have to deal with them.

… or would that completely up-end WoW’s design philosophy?

We could just.

Buff the bronze gain 2x, 3x, etc.



Faming bots love hyper spawns, I agree with the removal of them.

Plus if you are in an area or server where there is no one around it gets pretty dang annoying when you are trying to leave the area after finishing a quest.


I honestly don’t understand why this is such a problem. Hyperspawns and grinding have always been a part of the game. And this is a limited time mode where everything you gain gets removed from the character when they convert over to a regular character in August. So all that you keep are the cosmetics you buy.

players who go to a regular area to kill regular mobs are not legit farmers?

Some where, and some time Blizzard will realize Hyperspawn is too slow, and will push to ludicrous spawn.

And eventually have to come through the desert of old files to fix it, probably a week before getting the right to Mega Maid and conquering all of Druidia.

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Hyperspawns of Pandaria: Remix

I’m assuming that there’s a technical reason why a blanket fix can’t (easily) be done rather than playing whack-a-mole. The devs may have tools to tweak individual spawns as a hotfix, but opening the deep dark code libraries marked “no not touch!” in ancient runes requires a lot more meetings?

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It’s necessary on expansion launch and new game mode launch. But only for like the first 24 hours and only in the starting zone.