New hpally looks gross/bad

The only thing that looks off with Hpal at the moment, to me, is that the casted heals don’t generate holy power. Makes them seem really useless, even as filler heals, when you’re having to step outside of your rotation to cast what have been baseline spells for as long as I can remember.

It would be like shiv or garrote not generating combo points.

Other than that, yeah, holy power is weird, combo point systems on healers is weird, but it seems relatively unchanged in terms of overall playstyle.


I mained prot pally for years, and i didn’t mind the holy power on prot and/or ret, but also like you I didn’t feel the need for it regarding holy spec.

But this still remains to be seen. How smooth will it be? We don’t fully know yet.

There are also plenty of other healing classes and specs. Perhaps one of those is more your flavor (should you truly hate holy power.)

They needed to remove GCD before unpruning.


OP will get to try it at least when we go to prepatch, afaik. From there they can at least get a taste as to whether they can enjoy the build?

They need classes to be broken at the beginning of the expansion, so they can come in and save the day by fixing them with a series of bandaid patches of borrowed power, chewing gum, and paper clips. Which you will have to grind for.


They never should have given us holy combo points in the first place. That’s a mechanic that should have been left to the rogues and feral druids.

I’ll just do what I did back in Cata and play another class.


it really looks like you will have to deal damage, to generate points, to heal.
looks like a major emphasis to damage dealing is on the way.

holy combo points. i like that.

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it’s rather unconventional, yes, but let’s keep an open mind. you never know…

i’m not going to critcise without giving the new system my best chance at it. you should, too.

i do have to say they are rather persistent on “combo points” for paladins for whatever reason. but then again, resource management has shifted over the years as well. time will only tell.

Yeah, but to be fair, that was how they were designed, at least for BfA (as this is when I actually played one). Right now, you have to use Crusader Strike to reduce the CD of Holy Shock, your main healing spell. So damage dealing is already part of the HPal experience, this is just solidifying it.

Also, if I remember correctly, Holy Shock generates holy power as well, but I could be mistaken.

Think you replied to the wrong person, my chesty friend. I’m definitely planning on trying it out. I main a rogue, so I’m used to the combo point system. Feels weird on a healer, but I like unconventional healers, which is what drew me to resto shaman and HPal to begin with.

Thank goodness this is Alpha and content is subject to change.


lemme tell you about blizzard’s alpha testing history


The whole “it’s only alpha” didn’t work out so well for class design issues in BfA.

The way this usually works is that Blizzard forges ahead anyway, makes a few band-aid changes in patches, claim they’ll fix it next expansion, and then repeat the whole process.


SL healer design seems like it’s on a really weird path in general

Like, the healer I think I’d play right now is Priest, because of how fire-and-forget Mind Sear is. Just let it tick until healing is needed.

I can’t name a single healer I’d like to play due to the manner in which they prevent death. Which is already a problem in BfA, but SL seems to be doubling down on this degeneracy.

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They’ve tried to do holy paladin with holy power before.
It was awful and clunky and I hated it. When they finally removed it was I very happy. Them bring it back has made me lose interest already in healing on my pally.


Yeah! That’ll teach Blizzard

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Retri pals: We hate holy power
Blizzard: Well, then we’ll give it to all specs!


Let’s all suffer together! :sweat_smile:

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I really hope it doesn’t ruin tanking for me. I don’t care about Holy pallies.

I really enjoyed holy power for prot. It was one of my favorite things in Cata, and it got even better in MoP. I was very disappointed when they removed it.

Since I don’t heal, I’ve no clue how it played out for holy.