New House in Elwynn Forest (Patch 9.0.5)

Was there a reason they added a new house next to crystal lake? Honestly am loving it, wish they did more stuff like this in old areas.

(h ttps://


Relevant wowhead article if curious:


Ooh, I didn’t know they added this. Small and pointless, but very neat. It’d be a big boon for roleplayers if they made these kind of additions more often (preferably not always filled with NPCs).

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I love when they add new stuff like this. The other day I was leveling a new character and walked into Silvermoon for the first time in like 10 years and I saw a group of Nightborn Npcs walking around. They were named “Tourists” or something. I thought it was really cool they put new Npcs in a city that I believed was more or less completely off Blizzard’s radar.


yea honestly, wish they did things like this more so it gives people a reason to revisit some of the zones. My personal favorite zones are places like silver moon city and STV, but a lot of the zones are just empty now since there’s really no reason to visit them anymore.

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It would be nice if Blizzard would update the Human Starting Zone with New Updated Buildings, Trees, and etc.


I saw this last week, too. Thought that was a neat little detail.

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(waiting for the angry comments of :“oh, so they can add this, but they can’t fix x/y/z”)

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There’s a npc rare in alteric named slipknot who sings the wait and bleed lyrics while he tries to murder you.


Mandatory hyperbolic comment:

Does this mean we are getting another Cataclysm world revamp in the next expac?

I think it was pretty cool to see and they need to do more easter eggs like this!

I haven’t been to this house yet, but if it’s anywhere near Goldshire… it would be a great place for the Horde to hide.

oh, so they can add this, but they can’t fix x/y/z


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I feel like it’s about due for one. How many years has DW been dead now? Plus, we still have a giant sword stuck in our planet.

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Hopefully they’re testing out a player-housing system and that turns out to be a little house by the lake we can buy.


I would totally be okay with that haha, imagine if you can buy a second hearth location

Too bad it’s just a old building instead of the New House Building that BFA and WoD did.

It’ll serve as something else on one specific RP server I can think of.

But yeah, I like the addition a lot. They should add new things to old zones more.