New High Elf Only Community

Not sure I haven’t had Wendy’s since idk I was a kid maybe? Lol

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Why a community of a race you cannot play?


The Baconator is my guilty pleasure.

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Do you have to link 5 full stacks of bloodthistle to get an invite to this exclusive community?

I agree we should put all high elves in one spot, preferably somewhere more flammable than Teldrassil . Or an area that’s susceptible to a scourge attack, like Silvermoon. Preferably both please

Blood Elf with style.

High Elf Ogres interesting idea. I like it.

Why would you make a community nobody could join? :confused:

I wouldn’t expect low races to understand, all the blue eyes know what i’m talking about.

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What about the other High races? High Gnomes? High Dwarves? Highhighmountain Tauren?

I propose a Anti High Elf club and we can kick and Punt all those who think they are a High Elf .

High Highmountain taurens can join i guess.

Just don’t expect Elune to bless it. mwahahahaha

Elune Blesses it she getting vote to kick out.

I’m smoking peacebloom, does that count?

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Bloodthistle or GTFO.

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That’s rascist

No low races are the racist ones for being so low.