New Hero Class: Blood Mage

Hi all, first time post long time casual player. Hopefully I am sending this to the right place. The subject name speaks for itself. Blood mage has been a class in wow (warcraft III etc. with sunstrider being a prime example) for a long time but there has been no conversation about it coming to WoW in a playable capacity. Seems like it might have too much overlap with existing classes but after the introduction of “hero classes” with DK and DH I always wondered if Blood Mage would be introduced in some fashion. Maybe as a way to introduce a caster tank to retail to differentiate from lock and mage. Could be a big nothing burger but curious to see what everyone else thinks and if this is something the people want and if so how it could be introduced to be unique enough to warrant its own class.

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I also have been asking for this class for sometime. I hope into the future that Blizzard could create a Blood Mage :man_mage:. That would be awesome.


Sweet glad to hear i’m not the only one, any thoughts on mechanics or roles that would make it its own thing as opposed to a mage reskin?

Initial thoughts are something where your abilities cost health and the lower health you are the more damage you deal, or heavy leech mechanics to play up the “blood” mage aspect

I would love to add a new race called San’layn in which you would get the Blood Mage.
I believe the Blood Mage is between doing dps and self healing. Similar to Affliction Warlock and Blood DK.

I really like the idea of a dot heavy self healing caster tank spec

Learning something new with the San’layn but while i’m starting to think the game is hitting a capacity with the amount of new races they are introducing (character creation screen is getting very crowded) the lore to it fits very nicely.

The last thing this game needs is any more classes. They can’t balance the ones they have. If anything they need to remove about 5