New Guild <The Art of Dying> is Recruiting!

Hello! We are building a guild from the ground up for Dragonflight! We intend to heroic raid, push mythic+, and (hopefully) push rated PVP in the new expansion.

Things like guild repairs will eventually be provided once we are up and running. Food/flasks for raid will be up to each individual to get until we have enough of a community to think about providing these.

We are very laid back, friendly and are looking for more like-minded players. We range from early 30’s to late 30’s. There are no age restrictions, but we would like players who can be mature and still have fun.

Raid times TBD once we have enough players to get an idea of when would be a good time to raid.

Anyone who would like to whisper me in game with any questions can do so, the alt code for the ì in my name is ALT+141.